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Fishbone opening for Mr. Bungle on Sept 17th Riot Fest Late Night show

by Nijumu
Jul 06 2021

Trevor Dunn, Mike Patton and Trey Spruance are showing some love for Fishbone. And now Scott Ian from Anthrax, another Fishbone soldier, is playing rhythm guitar with Mr Bungle !

Read the post of Mr Bungle on Facebook :

Hey Chicago, we’ve added very special guests to our Sept 17th Riot Fest Late Night show…Fishbone! Get your tickets now at

Fishbone was one of a handful of bands that made the effort to stop in Humboldt County to play a show on their way between SF and Portland. We, of course, knew their 1985 EP, and as a bunch of post-metal metal heads exploring other musics, that EP was crucial. Then there were the live shows. Holy smoke. Probably safe for me to personally say that Fishbone is the best live band ever. In the '80s they would play the Old Town Bar & Grill (no longer in existence) and we ended up having the chance to hang with them a bit. Probably a year after we gave Angelo an original copy of our first demo (The Raging Wrath...) they returned to Eureka and he told us that he would write lyrics while listening to it. None of us ever forgot that. “ - Trevor

"We always have and always will worship Fishbone. They were one of the few interesting bands that would come to our tiny town. They changed our musical outlook for the better. We respect and love them till the end of time.” - Mike

“Fishbone changed everything. Seeing them live kicked our asses to actually start DOING the things we'd only been dreaming were possible up until then. I shudder to think what might've been if they hadn't come up to Eureka. They didn't just inspire us musically, they validated us and intimately encouraged us and to pursue our dreams as a band. If there's a bridge between our Raging Wrath era music and everything that was to come after, that bridge would be named Fishbone.” - Trey

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