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Everyday Sunshine : the History of Fishbone Premieres Tonight !

by Denis
Jun 19 2010

Tonight, directors Chris Mezler and Lev Anderson presented the world premiere of Everyday Sunshine, the long awaited Fishbone documentary, at the prestigious Los Angeles Film Festival. 

During over 100 minutes, Everyday Sunshine gives an intimate yet objective look at the inner depths of past and present Fishbone, as a band and as individuals. 

A lot has already been written about the stars that Lev & Chris have on film giving their props to Fishbone : Tim Robbins, Gwen Stefani, George Clinton, Flea,... But the real tour de force that Chris and Lev have achieved is to propose a multi-layered movie that tells an entertaining story to the casual watcher and, at the same time, brings tears of emotion to the greying first hour Fishbone soldier who already knows the story.  Of course, you will find exclusive - never heard of - footage of very early shows (84-85) and comprehensive insights into the development of what Fishbone has become today.  For one, the story of the 2008 Shattuck Down Low reunion with Kendall Jones will blow everyone's mind.

But what's really fresh in this documentary is the portrayal of the intimate relationship between band members, current and past.  The making of this documentary clearly was a cathartic process for Angelo and Norwood, that most probably helped them stand where they stand today.  And for that, the familyhood should be eternally grateful to Lev & Chris.


Nutter (Jun 20 2010): What a great film. Not only have the \'bone given me inspiration all these years musically, but now I see we also fight the same fight. One of not letting go of artistic integrity for creature comfort. Keep rockin\' \'bone! You\'re my people!
Cellkirk74 (Jul 06 2010): Where can we get the movie in europe?
Bob47 (Oct 20 2010): WHEN can we get the movie in europe??
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