Fishbone's Taping and Trading Policy 
Live Recording Policy
Fishbone allow the recording of their live performances at the following conditions :
- This permission is granted under the terms that Fishbone and/or Silverback Management own the recording 100% in perpetuity,
- A recording authorization is sollicited prior to the show (see below)
- A copy of the recording must be sent on DVD/VHS/FILM or CD form to Silverback Management within two weeks of the show,
- Fishbone/Silverback Management has the right to buy master tapes from recorder for the price of the actual cost of blank Tape/Film/CDR,
- In no way can this recording be sold, used for any broadcast, promotional or shown in any public forum without the expressed written consent of Silverback Management,
- Fishbone/Silverback Management has the right to use the performance for promotional Web Cast/Download/Broadcast or Sale giving Photographer/Videographer/Recorder credits for recording.
The taper must register his/her intention of recording the show prior to the show and sign a waiver stating he/she will respect the rules.
->Get a recording authorization for an upcoming show
Trade Policy
Fishbone allow the trading of live recordings of independent origin (ROIOs) at the following conditions :
- In no way can a live ROIO be sold, used for any broadcast, promotional or shown in any public forum without the expressed written consent of Silverback Management,
- No trade of a ROIO is allowed for a period of six weeks after the copy has been sent to Fishbone/Silverback Management. If after that period Fishbone/Silverback Management has not restricted the free distribution the recording (either through direct contact with the recorder or by marking the recording "trade not allowed" on, the trade of the recording can be considered to be allowed. Fishbone/Silverback Management still retain the right to restrict the trading of the recording at any time,
- All the recordings available through and whose trade has not been explicitly restricted may be traded. Trades cannot involve any kind of payment. Unauthorized sale of live recordings is prohibited.
- ROIOs may be made available through peer to peer share mechanisms such as torrent trackers, preferably, but not limited to,'s torrent tracker.
If these simple rules are not respected by the tapers, Fishbone could drastically alter their policy.