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Video recording - May 06 2007

The Buffalo Icon Buffalo, NY
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Type : Video
Source : audience
Master : DV
Length : 02:00:00
Recording shared by 1 familyhoodster
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There are 2 other recordings available for this show :Video Video


1. Dr Madd Vibe Spoken Word POEM SKANK
2. Sunless Saturday
3. Bonin' in the Boneyard
4. Behind Closed Doors
5. Skank n' Go Nutts
6. Ma & Pa
7. Face Plant (Scorpion Back Pinch)
8. Karma Tsunami
9. Drunk Skitzo
10. Freddie's Dead
11. The Suffering
12. Cheyenne Star Forever Moore
13. Alcoholic
14. Date Rape
15. Let Dem Ho's Fight
16. Give it Up
17. Cholly (Gonna Have a Good Time Jam)
18. Party With Saddam
19. Party At Ground Zero
20. Jackass Brigade [not played]
21. Subliminal Fascism [not played]
22. Servitude [not played]

Other info on this show

Rating : 10Rating : 10Rating : 10Rating : 10Rating : 10Rating : 10Rating : 10Rating : 10Rating : 10Rating : 102 votes
3 reviews3 reviews3 reviews3 reviews
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5 'hoodsters in attendance5 'hoodsters in attendance5 'hoodsters in attendance5 'hoodsters in attendance5 'hoodsters in attendance5 'hoodsters

On Stage

Angelo C. Moore (v, sax, thr, per)
John Norwood Fisher (eb, b, v)
John Steward (d)
John McKnight (key, tb, eg, v)
Rocky George (eg)
Dre Gipson (key, v)
Curtis Storey Jr. (t, v)


3 reviews
Review by Kat on May 07 2007  

This show was great. The venue was small and the sound system wasn't so hot, but the band kicked ass. After the show, they took time to talk to everyone and sign autographs. SUPER nice guys. Good opening band, too.

Review by Suburbanbuddha on May 07 2007  

Amen to Kat's review! The crowd was super small as there was virtually no promotion for the show. You never know how a band will react to an empty house, but Fishbone made a party out of it. First thing, Angelo jumps off the stage and shakes hands with nearly everybody, then pulls all in close to sing along as they ripped into Sunless Saturday. I've now been to Fishbone shows with 30,000 outdo...


Review by Dr. Brookenstein on May 08 2007  

THEY PERFORMED "DRUNK SKITZO" (????!!!!!!!!) DAMN!!!!! And "Faceplant Scorpion Backpinch"?? Oh, CRAP!!

I am SO-O-O-O-O-O-O JEALOUS OF YOU FANS IN BUFFALO, NY! (kicking myself!)


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