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Audio recording - May 22 2005

9:30 Club Washington, DC
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Type : Audio
Source : soundboard
Master : DAT
Length : 01:07:20
Recording shared by 2 familyhoodsters
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1. Fishbone Soldier
2. Unyielding Conditioning
3. Party At Ground Zero
4. Face Plant (Scorpion Back Pinch)
5. Freddie's Dead
6. Hide Behind my Glasses
7. The Suffering Rub-a-dub Soldier? sung by Dre and a poem by Angelo
8. Subliminal Fascism
9. Alcoholic
10. Date Rape
11. Sunless Saturday

Other info on this show

Rating : 8Rating : 8Rating : 8Rating : 8Rating : 8Rating : 8Rating : 8Rating : 8Rating : 8Rating : 81 vote
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10 'hoodsters in attendance10 'hoodsters in attendance10 'hoodsters in attendance10 'hoodsters in attendance10 'hoodsters in attendance10 'hoodsters in attendance10 'hoodsters in attendance10 'hoodsters in attendance+10 'hoodsters

On Stage

Angelo C. Moore (v, sax, thr, per)
John Norwood Fisher (eb, b, v)
John Steward (d)
John McKnight (key, tb, eg, v)
Rocky George (eg)
Torrel Ruffin (eg)
Dre Gipson (key, v)
Dre Holmes (t, eg, g, v)


2 reviews
Review by Conorh98 on May 23 2005  

Another great show. Started out with Angelo in the crowd in front of the sound mixer doing poetry through a bullhorn. It was unclear all the words but I'm pretty sure he ended it with his Fishbone Soldier poem as he made his way to the stage. Joe Keys then introduced the band wearing a bright yellow dress shirt and suspenders with a straw hat. He told a story how 21 years ago he heard about Fishbo...


Review by Bb on May 24 2005  

actually, the guy that introduced the band was not rocky, his name is joe keys, a legendary d.c. cat that had to come down and check the bone. rocky played the whole set, he was on stage right - next to norwood. it was a great set with fishbone sitting in with slightly stoopid for about 5 songs.


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