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Angelo Moore & Mark Phillips played as Fishbone at Mohawk in Austin.

by Nijumu
Mar 17 2023

Last minute change as Fishbone had their planes cancelled. "Flight were cancelled due to Tornado warning in Texas" as it was announced by John Steward on Facebook. Angelo Moore & Brand New Step was planned to fill in for Fishbone as they played on March 16 in Austin for SWSX 2023 @ C-Boys Heart & Soul. BNS did the day before a hell of a show and Angelo, who was in the middle of the pit, made dance the audience on the Brand New Step"s anthem song.


BUT FINALLY Mark Phillips managed to catch a plane to Austin. So Angelo and Mark played a short set at Noise Co Showcase at Mohawk in Austin for SWSX 2023. Sunless Saturday and Everyday sunshine were performed as a duet : Angelo on vocals and sax and Mark Phillips on guitar ! Then Brand New step did a set ! What a night !



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