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FISHBONE – Angelo Moore Limited Edition Statue

by Nijumu
Nov 17 2022

Fsihbone with Aggronautix just w released as pre order an Angelo Moore Limited Edition Statue.

Pre-order Now  / Shipping Early 2023



Angelo Moore, front man of the legendary FISHBONE, is now available as a limited edition collectible statue.

The statue is limited to 500 numbered units, stands at 7 inches tall, and is made of solid polyresin.

Sporting his signature style, Angelo grips the mic with intention as his sax swings from his neck awaiting the full funk assault.

Angelo says, “Growing up, my friends would always have actions figures around their rooms of their favorite heroes and I would always envision myself as one of them… And before I knew it, that magical porthole has opened and so I stepped on through, and now I’m a hero action figure just for YOU.”


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