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John Bigham is playing on the current september tour with Fishbone

by Nijumu
Sep 13 2017

  John Bigham has announced on instagram and facebook that he will be playing guitar with fishbone on the current september tour. Rocky is not on this tour as fishbone soldiers, who have seen the Portland show (first date of the tour), told us.

Phillip Fish Fisher has also posted a message on facebook (see below).


last family dinner before i hit this next fishbone tour.i love these two so much
#ilovemyfamily?? ??????????#familyhoodlove ??????



 Phillip Fish Fisher :

Then all of a sudden, John (JB) Bigham returned to his place amongst the body of The Bone. And it was stronger.. Then a new hope arose with a sound reminiscent of greater days. And the people waited eagerly to witness five of the Savage Seven testify with great reverence again.

To be continued.. -
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