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Help Angelo Moore Release his Latest Dr Madd Vibe CD

by Denis
Jun 22 2011
The Angelo Show, Angelo Moore's latest solo record as Dr Madd Vibe, is ready for release.  The album was recorded at home and on tour, with Angelo playing every instrument.   Angelo needs our help to put this record out, and now is a great opportunity to give back a little of what we've received over the last 25+ years.  Go to and support the effort by pledging what you can afford.  With a donation of just 25USD, you're rewarded by a physical and digital copy of the record and a few extra goodies.  Angelo needs to raise 25.000 USD by July 22nd to make this happen, so NOW is the time to show your love to Angelo ! If the total sum is not raised, pledges will be cancelled and no money will be charged to you.
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