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The Return of the Bone Chronicles

by Denis
May 05 2008
Its the second day now I have broken away from the main frame.
The main frame is Fishbone and now I am a bone that has been broken off from the spine like an astronaut in space disconnected from the mother ship.
I was a little nervouse at 1st but that will soon go away as it always does
Wheni’m getting ready to take on some type of mission or endevour’
The 1st day away from the Main Frame I spent the next day and a half
At the drummers (Mathew) mothers flat in bordoux on the 12th floor
And it overlooked all of bordoux. And it was really quite too.
And when i went to sleep in the flat the bed did’nt move back and forth like it usually does on the tour bus that im in with Fishbone.
The bunks where really Uncomfortable this time on the that last bus.
And The driver ‘birdy” the old german guy I think he might have been gAy.
Because I would hear from other band members how he would sometimes
Blow on the back of some of the crew members necks to see if they where
Recipricate, and he was really uptight about his coffee machine that supposedly cost
A 1000 euros. …………… we got along ok. To each his own.
And when one of the sheets was missing from one of the bunks he took away the coffee
Machine as if to punish the band for one of the missing sheets. And gave us the regular coffee pot instead
Padre’ cursed his Ass out.
He did’nt realized that nobody gave a damn about that coffee machine any way.
oK…….enough of that.
Second day away form the main frame.
Last night I went to mac donalds to get on the internet.
Wow I’ve never done that before.
I don’t like mac donalds but the internet service made it worth while.
But the 1st day of compleat silence was a difference for my world for once in along time.
At the age of 42 I’m on my own some what in france.
I figure I better stay over after the tour is over and see what is here for me other than whats in the states.
Because of all of my years of being in America I hav’nt been able to find anything as far as acting or music scoring ect. So maybe I can find it here in France. America is just moving too slow f or me for what I need but I hav’nt givin up on it completely.
So right now I’m on my ways to nantes to hook up with “dAjla
She’s got a couple of festivals that she is going to let me share the stage
With her. And a poetry reading or 2.
Hopfully something will come up and I can get a connection while I’m here
And I can make some money.
Because right now I don’t have shit really when i go back home.
Well let me refraze that. I’ve got my fathers house in woodland hills
To stay at if it really came down to it and I’ve got my girlfriends house.
But at least I’ll be able to hang up the art that I want to hang up and live my life with out any restrictions.
It’s all good for now.
I”ll be keeping ya posted when i can
Angelo Moore


MistaD (May 06 2008):

Thanks for sharing your stories with us Angelo! Have fun in France! THE SALADS miss you!

All the best, brother...PEACE.1.MISTA D. 

Pandora (May 06 2008):

One Love ANgelO!  Keep your head up and your faith in check!  Remember that as long as you keep using your gift it will always open up doors before you.  THAT IS A PROMISE!  Read Proverbs 18:16!!!.....Peace, your sista - Pandora

Diaso (May 06 2008):

hi angelo !!!

if you decide to stay for a while in france our house is open dude !!

take care and enjoy your time here !!!

we ll try to check for the shows.....

Fisheo (May 06 2008):

Dear Angelo Moore, feel free to contact if you need support in Lyon !

Time for us to return the same for years of energy and lightness !

See ya !


JahFree (May 11 2008):


hope you find peace, inspiration or whatever you may need while you\'re

in France. Thanks for the Frisco show! I brought 2 first timers, one

a musician. To say the least, for them it was an \'eye opener\'!

Paw (May 12 2008): Sad to say, but there\\\\\\\'s much more love for Fishbone in Europe than in their native America. Would they ever do like the jazz cats of yore and relocate? Might be the best choice for now.
Ribs2k (May 18 2008):  There is alot of love here in America for Fishbone too... I can't believe how many people have been influenced by Fishbone. Huge names that broke into the big time owe alot to Fishbone... I love seeing Christina Aguilara calling them up to be on that video. I know you could easily get another Family Nutwerx experience together with just about whoever you wanted,(ever watch Best Week ever on VH1 I saw 2 guys wearing Fishbones shirts while hosting the show, that was cool). I am inspired at how committed Angelo has been to keeping Fishbone going all these years. Lot's of fans here are waiting for the next ANYTHING Fishbone. Keep it going man!!! Oh and could you PLEASE play a show in Colorado Springs again????? PLEASE! or Denver...Cali and Nevada are just a little to far of a drive for the shows later this month. I think the last time you where here you played with a local band called The Right Aways. That was a fun show.
Droppshado (Jun 13 2008):

There is also much love for Fishbone up here in Canada, but it troubles me that they don't seem to have the support they deserve in North America. I agree on all counts of how legendary and influential they are, and I'm holding on to blind faith that Angelo and Norwood will keep Fishbone alive indefinitely. The inexplicable absence of true recognition boggles my mind at the best of times.

Perhaps we should tap into our familyhood resources and start a petition to have them instated into the Rock'n'Roll Hall of Fame? Let's face it: there have only ever been a handful of bands to endure for over 20 years.

What do you think, Denis? 

Ribs2k (Jun 15 2008): I am with you. I don't even know how to get someone on the ballot... worth looking into
Natkat (Jun 17 2008):

chin up beautiful Angelo..


we love you. (i'm sure i speak for all fans)

stay strong

and keep the creativity flowing..


HITMAN (Dec 05 2008): Angelo....I have studio work for youin the States!!! We are indie but a good (small) following and would love to have you on ANYTHING!
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