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Video recording - May 09 2007

Agora Cleveland, OH
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Type : Video
Source : pro
Master : DV
Length : 01:57:11
Recording shared by 1 familyhoodster
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1. X-Quews Mee, Dr. Madd Vibe Emergency House Call Pull-ease titled "Poem Skank" on the setlist. Basically a long, long jam. Incredible
2. Party At Ground Zero
3. Ma & Pa
4. Face Plant (Scorpion Back Pinch)
5. Beergut
6. Frey'd Fucking Nerve Endingz
7. Bonin' in the Boneyard
8. Behind Closed Doors
9. Cholly
10. The Suffering
11. Cheyenne Star Forever Moore
12. Party With Saddam
13. Alcoholic
14. Date Rape
15. Let Dem Ho's Fight
16. Freddie's Dead
17. Servitude
18. Everyday Sunshine not played
19. Jackass Brigade not played
20. Give it Up not played
21. Premadawnutt not played
22. Drunk Skitzo not played. the venue turned on the lights. one of theopeners went way over and some tech problem

Other info on this show

Rating : 9.5Rating : 9.5Rating : 9.5Rating : 9.5Rating : 9.5Rating : 9.5Rating : 9.5Rating : 9.5Rating : 9.5Rating : 9.52 votes
1 review1 review
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1 recording1 recording
1 'hoodster in attendance1 'hoodster

On Stage

Angelo C. Moore (v, sax, thr, per)
John Norwood Fisher (eb, b, v)
John Steward (d)
John McKnight (key, tb, eg, v)
Rocky George (eg)
Dre Gipson (key, v)
Curtis Storey Jr. (t, v)


1 review
Review by Kyuss on May 11 2007  

I've seen the bone so many times, I can't count. But this has to be the best show by them, besides the 91 show in the same venue with Primus, and their show at the Grog Shop. The band was tighter than ever. Dre and Curtis really add a lot to the sound. The only reason I gave a 9 and not 10 was the unplayed stuff. But that wasn't their fault. The show was record live by a website, www.yeboTV....



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