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Jun 06 2006 @ L'Usine Genève, CH

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Rating : 9Rating : 9Rating : 9Rating : 9Rating : 9Rating : 9Rating : 9Rating : 9Rating : 9Rating : 91 vote
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3 'hoodsters in attendance3 'hoodsters in attendance3 'hoodsters in attendance3 'hoodsters

On Stage

Angelo C. Moore (v, sax, thr, per)
John Norwood Fisher (eb, b, v)
John Steward (d)
John McKnight (key, tb, eg, v)
Rocky George (eg)
Dre Gipson (key, v)
Curtis Storey Jr. (t, v)


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1 review
Review by Nico on Jun 08 2006 

The shows in Geneva were excellent !!! Not a lot of people showed up but those who came had a lot of fun and made a lot of noise.

First Wolfunkind were a bit late but really as good and as funny than the first time I saw them. Not long enough anyway. They put some inflated dolls on stage (One reapeared during the Fishbone show...) which are also on their latest triple effort cover(CD + Live at Ter a Terre festival CD + DVD) again sold for 10 euros. Angelo is featuring on the three CDs.

Then Fishbone came leaded by Norwood. It surprised me because he recognised my friend Phil and me from the stage and came to give us a hand. We didn't really met him since 2002 !!! Yep Norwood was very fit and you can also see it on him because he loss some weight and gain some muscles.

Same formation as last year and I really prefer this one than the one with Mini-Walt. Curtis is really jazzy and soulful and together with John Mc Knight and Angelo they form a terrific horn section. I don't have the set list but they played old classics at the the begining like PAGZ and M&P. They played some new songs but I don't remember the names, for one Angelo told that it was the very first time live ! A good crazy uptempo song with sax intro by Angelo. Like in all Fishbone show it was a bit like I never heard some classic songs... At one point Norwood, Rocky and Wet Daddy built some dark distortion wall, amazing ! I think they ended after playing more than two hours with Servitude all leaving the stage one by one. At the end, Angelo, Dre and Mc Knight came back to do a very soulful improvised happy birthday to a girl who turned eighteen. A perfect show with a good setlist that mix hits and some more Fishbonesque tunes.

We met Laurent from Ter a ter after the show, and it's very good that he manages the European tours now. You can see that he cares a lot for the band. Everybody came at the merchandising boot to sign posters and T-shirts. A very good vibe is in the actual formation. All are very friendly and seem a little less "partying" than before.

Norwood told that they have finished ten tracks for the new album and that they intend to record a new version of "Date Rape" to finish it. He was very happy because they played only one hour shows at festivals until then. Yeah Norwood was definitely in great mood and you can see it when he plays too ;)

So European soldiers don't hesitate to go far to see the boys and specially in a club.



Live Recordings

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Fishbone & L'Usine

Fishbone is not scheduled to play L'Usine anytime soon.


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