On Stage
John Norwood Fisher (eb, b, v)
John Steward (d)
John McKnight (key, tb, eg, v)
Rocky George (eg)
Dre Gipson (key, v)
Torrel Ruffin (eg)
Dre Holmes (t, eg, g, v)
![]() © Lamar Miles |
![]() © Lamar Miles |
![]() © John Hall |
![]() © John Hall |
![]() © Lamar Miles |
1st free show of the summer concert series in Norwood's back yard: bonedaddys and fishbone Live on the Satan Monica Pier.
I got to the pier in time for the last 3 or 4 bonedaddys tunes, a mix of zydeco, go-go, merengue, funk, and a spLash of Tom Jones styLe Vegas Lounge music thrown in .
I was reaLLy stoked the pier was packed with peopLe of aLL ages, shapes, and coLors, and they stuck around untiL the end. There were pLenty of soLdiers representin', and the uninitiated wouLd soon be the faithfuL.
as a steady stream of bubbLes fLoated by, the famiLyhood took the stage and in no time eye couLd feeL the pier fLanks fLexing from foLks skanking.
from wood and stewart's monster sound rumbLing Like a mighty freight train headed right at'cha, to dr. maddvibe theremin virtuosity, and the deLicious duaL dueLing fretwork of Rocky and Tori, Fishbone Laid it down.
I thought the sound mix was very good, aLL vocaLs were cLear and audibLe, the horns (Pastor Dre, john McNutt on the trombone, and of course, AngeLo) were bright and punchy, Tre's keys were fresh and cLean, and bottom was rock soLid, even dare I say 'Thud Like'...
The setList was a weLL chosen bLend of hits and other classics. this was the first time i've heard this lineup shred Beergut, and they ripped it a new one. Maddvibe's recitation of Junkie's prayer accompanied by Tre's church organ obviousLy won over some new converts to the fishbone gospeL. "Freddy" was a showcase for Rocky and Tori to show they stuff. Man, their styLes accentuate each other so niceLy, it's NUTTS!
AngeLo's new song, Forever Moore, has one of the sweetest, catchiest hooks of any pop song ever written, and the heartfeLt Lyrics, a Love Letter to his daughter, brought tears to my eyes. During this time, severaL children were up on the stage, dancing and singing, and putting the F in "famiLyhood". The crowd showed their appreciation for over 20 years of nuttin'.
F aLso stands for Fun. These cats Look Like they're having a bLast up there, and the feeLing spread throughout the crowd. I was a bit emotionaL throughout the night, knowing this was probabLy the Last time i'd be seeing Fishbone for a whiLe. The Last 4 years i've Lost count how many times i've seen the 'Bone, TruLio, Weapon of Choice, and other nuttmeg phantasies, but i never took it for granted. As Long as there is Fishbone, Lamar wiLL be there.
I hope we get a nuttstaLk tour come thru the windy city pretty soon...
LĂ„mar Miles http://LamarsLounge.net http://www.lamarmiles.com
Live Recordings
Fishbone & 20th Twilight Dance Series
Fishbone is not scheduled to play 20th Twilight Dance Series anytime soon. |