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Jul 04 2003 @ Rock Otočec festival , SL

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© marko markovcic

© robert kokol

© matevz macek

© robert kokol


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Pogovarjal sem se s 34 letnim Angelo Moore-jem. Ali tako imenovanim Doctor Madd Vibe; The Missing Link.

How did you like Rock Otočec? F: I don't even know what to say about it. Our manager said what I could bring with me. So I had to leave a lot of instruments at home. He said it wasn't enough room for it. So I couldn't even bring my Bar Tone either. But I was able to bring that. (Poka?e na trobento.)

But I am glad. Well we all are glad that you yourself came. Because I never seen your concert before and I was shocked. F: So you like Fishbone. What do you think the audience thought about it?

I think they liked it. But I think there were too many? F: ?Iron Maiden Fans!? They didn't know what hit them. They all did the weird face stuff.

But I asked some people what they thought of the concert and they totally liked it. They were all wondering where do you get all that energy. That energy is all that counts. F: We get the energy from the FUUUUNK!!!

Funk! F: YEAH. Funk and Rock!

And how did you feel the people? F: How did I feel the people? I felt like?A lot of what was going on in majority of people's heads, especially in some of the metal heads up in the front was like: 'What are guys like this playing music like that at the festival like this with the bunch of bands like that?' And so I said... I just had it in my mind. I'm like look: this is who we are, this is what we do and if you can't understand it well hopefully they can understand the music that we play, hopefully they won't be so narrow minded to where they can't open their minds up to different styles of music. Because it's all about different styles of music Reggae, Ska, Funk, Metal, Rock'N'Roll, Jazz?

Yeah. Well you know what. If you shocked me and I know, OK the front row filled with metal heads, but you know behind that there were some people who found you very good and energetic and entertaining. And after all that you play good music and that you are a good band. And I am sure that you got some new fans today. And I am your new fan and I read that you started in 80'. How come that you still have the energy? F: How come that we still have the energy to do it? The Funk! We love the music. Yeah! We are in love with the music. That's what it is!!!

Did you see Slovenia while you were here? F: We really haven't seen Slovenia. We just saw it from the inside of the van. We saw the countryside as we were driving from the hotel to the festival. This was our first time here so we didn't see that much. But I wanna come back MAN!!!

I asked that because you played with Elvis Jackson in a small club in Austria. And they are from Slovenia and I am wondering what do you think about them, because they also have the similar energy on the stage and they rock like you do!! F: Yeah. Yeah. I remember the small club where we stayed late. They were good. They were really fucking good. They are playing here tomorrow, right? It's a shame we won't see them again!

Well they totally liked you so? F: Do you have rolling papers?


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Fishbone & Rock Oto&#269;ec festival

Fishbone is not scheduled to play Rock Oto&#269;ec festival anytime soon.


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