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Jun 01 2003 @ Rio Bradford, UK

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On Stage


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2 reviews
Review from the Nuttwork's archive 

Well here's a little review-ette of last night. The crowd was sparce all things considered, like the greatest live band on earth consideration. The lack of turn out was probably because of the English Sunday night syndrome. We have it battered into us from childhood that we must all be early to bed on Sunday night for work/school the next morning.

John was the only band member to seen pre-gig happily chatting to everyone. Maybe it was just me but I felt there was an ambience of tiredness in the air. I felt like having a snooze because I was absolutely knackered from lugging tons of furnature up stairs all weekend.

So we sat having a pint while Lightyear played and the singer said somthing like. "Wake up! What do we have to do to get you lot to put your drinks down!" upon which they stripped to the nuddy and went nutz with saushish! (I love that word) and apricotz flying everywhere. Very funny and the atmostphere livened up from that moment on.

Bone took to the stage, the crowd still very sparce. It was kind of disco like with lots of folk standing round with space between them. And dance we did! It was a great way to enjoy the gig but felt a bit unusual as I'm normally crushed up the front with people jumping on my head! Norwood wore the Tunic and a sort of freaky black and white gimp mask. Bumped into (literally) Roo Toyz in mid frenzy. Here's the setlist that I had the luxury of grabbing without being brought down and trampled to death in the scrum.

Party Skanking to the beat Lyin ass Bonin Problems Cholly Go Nuttz Ma & Pa Karma Sunless Freddy Swim ---------------------------- Lemon (not played) Red hot

On the whole, dare I say it was'nt Bonexperience at full tilt maybe because of momentary tiredness and no heaving mosh to play up to. But great, I can't tell you what an absolutely great feat of greatness it was. :)))

JC well and truly skanked out.


Review from the Nuttwork's archive 

what can i say, fuckn AMAZING right up to the point where some fuck accused me of stealin his phone and i got barred from the place despite tryin to help solve aythang and missio my train good to do so.needless to say there was was no evidence other than the fact i emailed nerre wi angelo which was was apparently near where the phone was last seen. i love bein seriously,its great.fuc...


Live Recordings

0 live recording
If you have a recording of this show, please share it with the familyhood !

Fishbone & Rio

Fishbone played already at Rio once.
>November 16, 2002Rating : 9Rating : 9Rating : 9Rating : 9Rating : 9Rating : 9Rating : 9Rating : 9Rating : 9Rating : 9 No photo has yet been submitted.No video has yet been linked.1 reviewThe setlist has not yet been submitted.No recording has yet been submitted.4 'hoodsters in attendance
Fishbone is not scheduled to play Rio anytime soon.


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