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Nov 20 2002 @ Jilly's Rockworld Manchester, UK

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Rating : 8.75Rating : 8.75Rating : 8.75Rating : 8.75Rating : 8.75Rating : 8.75Rating : 8.75Rating : 8.75Rating : 8.75Rating : 8.754 votes
2 reviews2 reviews2 reviews
11 photos11 photos11 photos11 photos11 photos11 photos11 photos11 photos+11 photos
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9 'hoodsters in attendance9 'hoodsters in attendance9 'hoodsters in attendance9 'hoodsters in attendance9 'hoodsters in attendance9 'hoodsters in attendance9 'hoodsters in attendance9 'hoodsters in attendance+9 'hoodsters

On Stage


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11 photos

© Emma Farrer

© Emma Farrer

© Emma Farrer

© miss jennie grimshaw

© Emma Farrer
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2 reviews
Review found on the web 

I've waited years for this. This Fishbone live event has long been the stuff of legend and I am so ready for it because to be honest I thought it was never going to happen. Fishbone have been moved to the sidelines over the last few years to such a degree that I had resigned myself to the fact that they were no more, thankfully I was wrong. True, their fanbase has shrunk to just a small core of, s...


Review by Angelboy on May 21 2014 

I remember this gig was last minute for me but I dragged a few friends out with me to see the show. From what I remember, Angelo was front of house while the support was on as I remember he had some crazy outfit on. I don't remember much more other than I didn't really warm to the new drummer - I have since though and think he's pretty good but a totally underestimated player.

Live Recordings

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Fishbone & Jilly's Rockworld

Fishbone is not scheduled to play Jilly's Rockworld anytime soon.


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