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Nov 17 2002 @ Rock City Nottingham, UK

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On Stage


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2 reviews
Review from the Nuttwork's archive 

Oh what a night.

Don't know how I'm going to get through work today (didn't leave Rock City till nearly 1 a.m., slept on my pal Spencer's floor - five hours' sleep was not enough).

Extraordinary gig. Colin has a setlist, so I'll leave him to post what was played. From where I was standing (and dancing) the sound was amazing. Everybody came out sounding ...


Review from the Nuttwork's archive 

My first Fishbone concert in 10yrs, three months & 24days - not that I was counting!

Short version - superb, brilliant, loved it. But then you didn't expect anything else really!

The set list was (and I got Spacey's copy) Party Karma Premadawnutt Bonin Shakey Ground Alcoholic Ugly Ma & Pa Heet Chim Chim Sunless Swim -------- Red Hot Servitude

Which is what they did but they didn't do Red Hot.. Spacey T did a Eddie Hazel tribute as the intro to Shakey Ground. Angelo wore a suit and Norword was sartorially elegant in white trainers, dark socks and a towel wrapped around him! He also had a twin horned Viking helmet on turned through 90degrees with the front horn removed so his hair spike could stick out.

if I had to list my four fave FB songs they would be Bonin, Party, Sunless and Everyday Sunshine so I was well pleased to see on the set list three of those.

Long Version - I met up with Simon from the list and had a couple of drinks before a friend of his turned up and we then went to the venue. First up was supposed to be Big Sister but either they didn't turn up or we missed then, 2nd band was Dai Low who were a Nu-metal sort of thing but were quite good. Next were Adequate 7 who were a proto-Fishbone band, two guitars, trombone (played by a mad bloke who looking like Shaggy - as in Scooby Doo not the reggae bloke!), trumpet, bass, drums and vocals - they were excellent and I almost bought their CD. Then it was Skindred who I would describe as RATM with a rasta singer, not too keen on them and the final support band was Downsett who had a Suicidal Tendencies sound.

During Dai Low I was looking around the place and John Steward was right behind me, but I wasn't sure and didn't want to turn round again to stare to be certain! Angelo was playing some of his CD's in-between the bands and Simon plucked up the courage to speak to him. After the next band he went up to Angelo again for a chat and I followed and also had a chat - I felt like a kid meeting a childhood hero - But I was an adult meeting an adult hero!

I went to the front for FB and also met the lovely Sarah and the little un. Most of the dancing was good natured but towards the end the security guards came out to keep people away from the stage (which was only about 20ft wide!) and a couple of people decided to bait them by pushing into them which as I was level with the guards was seriously pissing them off - they also weren't two pleased when Angelo dived into the audience - they didn't expect that! Angelo also fell of the stage when the monitor he was stood on tipped over but the crowd was so packed we managed to save him - he was very wet and slippy though!

Afterwards Simon was going to look at Angelo's computer as it had a problem so we went backstage and met everyone ( I tried to look cool while jumping with joy inside) including Sarah again but I left after a while as I had a long drive home - which turned out to be in very heavy fog nearly the whole way.

My ears are ringing and I'm short of sleep but I'm off work today and off to see them in Birmingham tonight!



Live Recordings

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Fishbone & Rock City

Fishbone played already at Rock City 3 times.
>July 20, 1992 1 photoNo video has yet been linked.No review has yet been submitted.The setlist has not yet been submitted.No recording has yet been submitted.2 'hoodsters in attendance
>May 31, 1993 3 photosNo video has yet been linked.No review has yet been submitted.The setlist has not yet been submitted.No recording has yet been submitted.1 'hoodster in attendance
>April 07, 2008Rating : 7.5Rating : 7.5Rating : 7.5Rating : 7.5Rating : 7.5Rating : 7.5Rating : 7.5Rating : 7.5Rating : 7.5Rating : 7.5 53 photos2 videos1 reviewAn ordered setlist was submittedNo recording has yet been submitted.7 'hoodsters in attendance
Fishbone is not scheduled to play Rock City anytime soon.


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