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Aug 24 2002 @ Rolling Thunder Festival Seattle, WA

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1 review
Review from the Nuttwork's archive 

Funny show-- it was for a "rock the vote" style tour, called the Rolling Thunder tour. One of those "democracy in action" kind of shows. It was at a big field about 20 minutes outside of Seattle.

It wasn't advertised very well... I got the feeling that I (and my crew) were the only ones there because of Fishbone. There were about 3 random guys who had heard of Fishbone before, and were ecstatic... but otherwise, it was all middle-aged Seattle hippies.

I pulled my best Jedi Mind Trick EVER to get into the place. I basically just said "I'm with the band", just to see what would happen, and then watched in stunned disbelief as they gave us ALL laminates without question. I'm still cracking up about that.

The band before Fishbone was Medusa... Fishbone came to the stage with them and started blowing around for their last song; then Medusa left and Fishbone immediately launched into BCT... I'm guessing because it went with the democracy theme. (On a similar thought, I was hoping for "Subliminal Fascism" but didn't get it.)

The set was very short-- 50 minutes or so, only about 8 songs. From memory, and in approximate order: BCT, Are U Wit It (am I the only person here who just does not like that song, at all?!?), Alcoholic, Karma Tsunami, AIDS & Arm, I think they did Ma & Pa... maybe a couple more in here... then finished with Sunless Saturday, and no encore. Dr. Madd Vibe expositions were completely absent-- limited to about 15 seconds before one of the songs.

Zap Mama came on a few minutes after Fishbone; they didn't grill my cheese too much and so we left. I did talk to our Heroes briefly, except for Angelo, who was running around doing Angelo things. My last Fishbone sighting of the night was Wet Daddy toting a huge pitcher of beer off to the Fishbone tent.



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Fishbone & Rolling Thunder Festival

Fishbone is not scheduled to play Rolling Thunder Festival anytime soon.


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