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Jul 03 2001 @ Cubby Bear Chicago, IL

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On Stage


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4 reviews
Review from the Nuttwork's archive 

It's 3am, and I just got home from the worst Fishbone concert ever (out of 20+). And, what seems to be one of fishbone's worst days ever, although, touring life is might have just been another Tuesday for them (I could never get ahold of Tuesdays...)

Anyway, apparently their bus broke down, or their manager broke down, or Steward broke down or something. They were in Lawrence, Kansas last night, which is quite a haul, and Angelo mentioned something about having to drive 4 hours out of the way for something....

Most of the band showed up about 12:30 or so...halfway in between AKP's set... Did I mention they were one of the worst bands I've ever seen? I think the only other possible winner is the band that opened for rollins band once...i don't know their name, but, they sang a song called "Box Of dirt". The lyrics were:

Gimme Gimme Gimme Gimme Box Of Dirt Box Of Dirt Box Of Diry Gimme Gimme Gimme Gimme Box Of Dirt


We call them the box of dirt band. They made me want to eat dirt. AKP made we want to have a urinary infection, so I had an excuse to be in the bathroom during their whole set.

Anyway, apparently Norwood had to FLY in from Omaha, and he finally showed about 1:15. At the point, Fishbone started playing. With no sound check before the show, and no warm up for the band. The first two songs featured squealing monitors. Angelo only had one mic for vocals and sax. I think he fucked with the theremin for about two minutes, before he just gave it up.

Of course, the next half hour was fucking great, and they played BCT, which I haven't heard in a long time, and Primadawnut, which was cool.

Then, at 2:00 sharp, the lights came out, and they kicked us out.

Damn that sucks!!

My 2 fishbone virgins turned into 3, 2 of which had never heard the band before....they all loved it, even though they were falling asleep, and it was so short with shitty sound. I think they'll definitely be back next time.

Peas out, Nat


Review from the Nuttwork's archive 

Now you now Chaos is the name of AKP's album, right. I haven't bought it but they're growing on me (after 6 shows).

This Fishbone show stunk---from the ultimate fan. I couldn't even tell you what they played. I know they played Behavior but I couldn't even attempt to stage dive. Yeah, the bus broke down. You can't blame them. Then I guess Wood and manager, etc. got l...


Review from the Nuttwork's archive 

I was at the chicago show too, i met jeff, dave, kcholly i met you at the end...and i met some other people who aren't on the list, just kinda met them, that was pretty cool. I did get to give them the icecream cake, didn't get a picture of it though. I had to stop at work and pick it up, then take a bus, i had to run with this big ass cake box to the bus and i was right next to it, waving at th...


Review from the Nuttwork's archive 

I arrived in Chicago Sat around 11:00 pm to find out George Clinton was staying at my hotel (Knickerbocker) but had checked out 1 1/2 hrs before my arrival!In addition he opened up Taste of Chicago and it was his birthday! If only I had known I would have showed up friday!Happy belated George you fuckin' freak!Sunday I didn't sleep stayin' up to create two flyer designs for the 'BONE show Tue at t...


Live Recordings

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If you have a recording of this show, please share it with the familyhood !

Fishbone & Cubby Bear

Fishbone played already at Cubby Bear 2 times.
>June 09, 1996Rating : 9.5Rating : 9.5Rating : 9.5Rating : 9.5Rating : 9.5Rating : 9.5Rating : 9.5Rating : 9.5Rating : 9.5Rating : 9.5 No photo has yet been submitted.No video has yet been linked.3 reviewsThe setlist has not yet been submitted.No recording has yet been submitted.5 'hoodsters in attendance
>October 16, 2001 No photo has yet been submitted.No video has yet been linked.2 reviewsThe setlist has not yet been submitted.No recording has yet been submitted.3 'hoodsters in attendance
Fishbone is not scheduled to play Cubby Bear anytime soon.


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