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Jun 26 2001 @ Ziggy's by the Sea Atlantic Beach, NC

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1 'hoodster in attendance1 'hoodster

On Stage


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2 reviews
Review from the Nuttwork's archive 

some quick thoughts before I ramble: Left my setlist at home- had it in my hand this morning and apparently wasn't coherent enough to take it out the door. I'll send it and any related comments in pt. 2.

Small crowd, but better than I expected for a Tuesday night in a tourist/resort area.

Lots of new songs- Norwood quoted 5 after the show but I think he...


Review from the Nuttwork's archive 

best i can recall, they didn't deviate from this: Walt: Understand Me Nuttmeg World FB: Skankin' Karma Skank'n Go Nuttz Heat Of Anger Primadawnutt Frey'd Fuck'n Nerve Endingz Behavior Control Tech. Aids & Arm Shakey Ground Suffering Alcoholic Pressure Riot Freddy Servitude encore: Party

also listed for the 1st encore were One Planet and Cholly but they h...


Live Recordings

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If you have a recording of this show, please share it with the familyhood !

Fishbone & Ziggy's by the Sea

Fishbone played already at Ziggy's by the Sea once.
>September 02, 2000 No photo has yet been submitted.No video has yet been linked.2 reviewsThe setlist has not yet been submitted.No recording has yet been submitted.
Fishbone is not scheduled to play Ziggy's by the Sea anytime soon.


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