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Sep 01 2000 @ 9:30 Club Washington, DC

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On Stage

Angelo C. Moore (v, sax, thr, per)
John Norwood Fisher (eb, b, v)
Walter Kibby III (v, t)
Tracey Singleton (eg)
John Steward (d)
John McKnight (key, tb, eg, v)


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3 reviews
Review from the Nuttwork's archive 

Hi all...

I went to the show at the 9:30 club, got to the club around 5pm and met up with the band. My ex-gf was already on the bus with laptop showing Norwood the website again. First time she's ever really hung out with them at all. she brings her digicam and loans me her regular camera and we take pics of soundcheck. She got 2 disks of really good pics...


Review from the Nuttwork's archive 

here's the setlist from the 9:30 show, as promised:

Subliminal Facism Give It Up Just Allow Ma & Pa Where'd You Get Those Pants Cholly Suffering Shaky Ground Bonin' Monkey Dick Karma Tsunami Ugly Question All Kept Startin' Wish I Had a Date One Planet Everyday Sunshine Aids & Arm Sunless Saturday Deep Inside

Encore: Goose Party at Gr...


Review from the Nuttwork's archive 

I just wanted to give my favorite moments of the Fishbone show at the Nightclub 9:30 last Friday night. Hopefully I'll hit on a lot of points that Dave missed. Thanks to some crazy events, my buds and I rolled up into the club 30 minutes into the opening act (Clones of Funk). I saw the Clones of Funk last year when FB played the 9:30 with The Almighty Senators, so I didn't think I would miss much, but as it turns out I'm glad I caught what I did. For those of you who haven't seen the Clones, they are a local band here, out of Annapolis, that is a Funkadelic cover Parliament Funkadelic, just the early stuff. I went to the merch booth and bought a copy of "The Yin Yang Thang" from Angelo, and he autographed the cassette while the Clone where playing. I kind of feel for these guys, because it's not like they can cut an album or anything. All they can do is sell t-shirts and perform live. Anyway, as they were playing their songs, you could see Spacey T. off to the side, groovin' to it the songs. Eventually he jumped in on one song, which I'm sure made the Clones night. By the time the crowd maxed in time for Fishbone to take the stage, I'd say the club was at about 90% capacity (roughly 600 people). It was cool seeing the people in the pit shoulder to shoulder. Some FB shows I have seen recently didn't draw big enough crowds for any stage diving, but DC came through again, and Angelo took advantage during "Give It Up" and "Ma and Pa". The pit was really active all night and I'm sure the band dug it after seeing the sparse turnouts when they opened the RHCP tour. I did see Dave behind Spacey T. with his flash working in high gear. Angelo broke out the orange and black baseball sox like Dave mentioned, with an orange jacket and shorts. Only my man can pull off that look. Once again Byron West sat in on a few songs. Does anybody have the skinny on this dude? Is he being tried out for a permanent spot in the band? The name sounds familiar (jazz musician), but no one I've talked to seems to know for sure. Anyway, on to the show...

>Subliminal Facism - Really fast pace, a good song to set the tone for the night. >Give It Up - This is when Angelo really started the crowd interaction with the stage diving. >Just Allow >Ma & Pa - More stage diving and crowd singing >Where'd You Get Those Pants - This was the coolest song of the night. At least 20 ladies made it up to the stage to dance. This was different than the time they did it at The Garage because this was classy, people groovin' to a good song. I finally found a way to describe what went down at the Garage. It was like Dave Chappelle describing a thong contest in his HBO special. Anyway, judging by the good time had by everybody, I'm predicting that this will be the next song to hit the mainstream by FB. >Cholly >Suffering >Shaky Ground - Spacey T. took the mic before the song, and gave his usual tribute to Eddie Hazel (with the Clones and Spacey's playing, there was a definate Eddie vibe throughout the night), and broke out into the most funkiest opening to Shakey Ground I've heard yet. They blended the song into "I Wann Know If Its Good To You" at the end. Pretty Damn cool. When he first joined FB, I thought Spacey was all chops, but now he's become really animated, and a treat to watch. Guitar God! >Bonin' >Monkey Dick >Karma Tsunami >Ugly >Question >All Kept Startin' >Wish I Had a Date >One Planet - The One Planet, One People chant is growing on the crowd every show >Everyday Sunshine >Aids & Arm >Sunless Saturday >Deep Inside

>Encore: >Goose - I don't think they actually played this one, but I was hoping they would. >Party at Ground Zero >Servitude - Ahhhh...This was the best part of the night. I never got to hear this live so I went nuts when they broke into this. Angelo sung the whole song, and quite frankly sounded better than when Chris did it. Spacey played the solo almost note for note, unlike what he does on other Kendall solos. He has mentioned on quite a few occasions that the band will go in a darker direction than Nuttwerx, so I wonder if this is a test of the sound they might go for on the next record. The end of the song was a cool outro where Angelo announced the members of the band one by one, and the left the stage until there was no one left but "Wetdaddy" doing a drum solo. Da Bomb!

As you can imagine, this was a great show, and the band sounds as tight as ever.



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Fishbone & 9:30 Club


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