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Apr 05 2000 @ Fox Theater Boulder, CO

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On Stage

Angelo C. Moore (v, sax, thr, per)
John Norwood Fisher (eb, b, v)
Walter Kibby III (v, t)
Tracey Singleton (eg)
John Steward (d)
John McKnight (key, tb, eg, v)


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4 reviews
Review from the Nuttwork's archive 

Well it was awesome! Nuff said, but I'll try to elaborate... Blake and Sam had snagged a great location in the Fox Theatre for us to have an unobstructed and close view of the the Bone. As usual the sound in the fox was top notch. From the git-go Angelo started the crowd off right by jumping right in and swimming. Everything was clicking. Everyone was happy.

Random ne...


Review from the Nuttwork's archive 

Ok, here is my review of the show last night in Boulder, sorry if it is incoherent, as I am quite tired today! Samm and I got to the Fox last night at 8:30 or so and immediately had a pretty good feeling. Outside of the theatre all sorts of people were hanging around waiting for the first opening band to finish, draggin' their last cigs before going inside (no smoking in any restaurant/bar/theatre in Boulder---I love Boulder...), etc. We saw a number of people with their faces painted, one of whom was wearing a clown suit. "Cool, looks like a good crowd tonight!" The opening bands were ok, kinda like having an appetizer of saltine crackers with peanut butter when you now that the main course is gonna be cilantro-pesto-yam-tacos with chipotle/maple syrup and cranberry tequila pico de gallo!!!! During the opening bands while looking for Nuttwork member extrodinaire Jah Dave, I very briefly talked to Norwood ("Hey, Norwood, how's it going?" Norwood smiles big, grunts and nods "all right" and gives me a shoulder bump) and talked to Angelo. Just told him it was good to see him and asked him if he had seen Dave yet. Angelo was his usual very friendly self and was psyched to now that Dave was coming, but hadn't seen him yet. On slightly stoopid's last song we finally found Jah Dave, who introduced us to fellow list member and Psychedelic Zombie Po (let me just say that hanging with people from this list kicks ass, especially when it is for the reason we are all on this list!!!!). We all planted ourselves next to a railing directly above the floor and off to the side (about 8 feet from McNight's setup). As Angelo spun some groovy tunes, the crowd grew (probably close to 500 people, fairly small club) and grew restless. The aforementioned face painted clown suit wearing fiend was sort of cheerleading on the floor and getting the people around him psyched up---very cool too see. Angelo finally appeared wearing a sort of orange marching band jacket with a cross between a British policeman and drum major furry style hat and twirling his cane! He opened with Jah Jah On The Telephone. The crowd took to it quite well. Ok, now i'll list what they played. The first three songs are in order, but after that I lost track of the order:

Jah Jah on the Telephone Post Cold War Politics Subliminal Fascism Give It Up Cholly When Problems Arise Lyin' Ass Bitch Party At Ground Zero I Wish I Had a Date Bonin' Ma & Pa Behavior Control Technician Housework Beergut Where'd You Get Those Pants (right after a woman with tight leather pants surfed by) Suffering Just Allow It All Kept Startin' Aids and Armageddon Karma Tsunami Alcoholic I'm A Weed Plant (just Angelo, Norwood, and Spacey to start the first encore) Shakey Ground (encore) One Planet People (too start second encore) Junkies Prayer (Angelo at rapid speed) segueing into: Freddies Dead (last song)

A couple of those listed before the encore songs were also in the encore, I just can't remember which ones. And I might be missing one or two songs (Samm, Jah Dave, Po?). Fishbone kicked ass last night! The crowd was one of the best I've seen for a Fishbone show since '91. Clown suit wearing dude gave Angelo his suit (which Angelo thought was cool), one woman who surfed on to the stage placed a kazoo next to Angelo's theramin. He used the kazoo to start the next song. One guy angelo pulled up to the last section of Lyin' Ass bitch was completely thrilled, he yelled into the mic "I've been waiting fifteen years to do this." and then proceeded to nail the last line, which absolutely floored Angelo and Norwood. At one point, Angelo wanted to surf all the way to the back, but got stalled out and had to surf back to the front. A stage hand who undoubtedly noticed our disdain for the crowd's inability to move him back pointed at our little section, so Angelo swam to us, where Samm, Jah Dave, Po and I lifted him from below our knees up to the railing above us. The band was tight, the new songs live were incredible, John Steward played really well, McKnight is great (except for when his keyboard fell off of its stand). About the only thing I could complain about would be Spacey T's solos, they are a bit to rock star cliche for me, but his playing the rest of the time was really solid. Ok, I should really stop now. Sorry for the length....



Review from the Nuttwork's archive 

Aaaahhhh, such a show! I swear, I was just grinning like a fool at everyone around me. And they smiled back (thanks guys!). Blake did a really good job of getting at the feeling of the show. We both thought that this was far and away the best crowd for a Bone show we've seen here. There were a lot of people, and they were really into it. Even Mr. Security Guard man who was next to me on...


Review from the Nuttwork's archive 

Souljahs- Sorry it has taken so long to write this review of the Boulder show, but here goes. My bud Lou and I showed up to the Fox Theater around 10:15, just when Fishbone was getting ready to hit the Stage. I found Jah Dave up close to the front, and was Introduced to Sam and Blake. (Great to meet you guys!) I found some of my Old Zombiez compadres and it was good to see those cats too. ...


Live Recordings

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Fishbone & Fox Theater


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