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Jun 28 1998 @ Evolution Nite Club Pueblo, CO

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On Stage

Angelo C. Moore (v, sax, thr, per)
John Norwood Fisher (eb, b, v)
Walter Kibby III (v, t)
Tracey Singleton (eg)
John McKnight (key, tb, eg, v)
James Grey (d)


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1 review
Review from the Nuttwork's archive 

Went to see the bone last sunday in pueblo co. Had a great time. The show was all ages (as any bone show should be) What was cool about this all ages show was that they let the younger crowd have the run of the place. There was no under21 section that they had to be corraled in. The place was super hot.. very little ventilation. But thats allright. Sweatin dave juice at a bone show is one of my favorite things. Energy was good. Angelo started off with some poetry and a gospel-esque acapella number that I'm assuming is called suffering or three rings etc.. Kind of a personal testimony of what's been happening with Angelo, Suzie, and Cheyenne. "first comes the engagement ring, then the wedding ring, and then the suffering." Angelo had to school some of the newbies. While reading poetry some dip-shit yelled out for a song. Angelo looked at him and said something to the effect of 'do you see anyone behind the drums? Is there anyone with a bass on? Shut the fuck up." Later while introducing Ma n pa, Angelo asked if anyone came from a broken family. Some dipshit was yelling something and angelo put the mike up to him and asked if he came from a broken home. the guy yelled something intelligable about peyote and that just pissed angelo off. He broke it down to the guy about him coming from a broken home. they guy kept talking nonsence and angelo pointed out that there were a lot of people in the audience who didn't know what fishbone is about. he looked to the guy and said man you might as well be the head of mtv or a radio station. you've heard of our name, but you have no clue what we're about. They guy yelled shit again and angelo put him in his place saying that he didn't want to hear shit he had to say, he had his chance, now shut up and listen to the bone. set list was varied. I'll get the list from a friend who grabbed the list. but I remember that it was a bit more aggressive than the last ska heavy tour. I remember hearing chim chim's, swim, and the like. Everyone seemed in top form. Norwood was looking healthy (At the last show of the last tour in Denver Nor was hurtin bad with the flu.) Angelo was sober.. that must have been an off night from the bummed bonehead post. kind of funny, after the show, a kid with a spiked collar and Marolyn Manson shirt came up to us while angelo and I were rappin. Angelo started talking to the kid about manson. Saying that he liked manson, but he wanted to know if the kid thought manson might be linked to the devil. the kid was freaked he didn't know what to say. He just stared at angelo. angelo went on to say that if you think about it, there are people who pretty much worship manson. a large part of his fans are fanatical about their allegience to the band. he furthered by saying that if manson wanted to he could start to shape and turn people's minds to whatever he wanted. Like hitler, mousolinni, and various other people who influenced mass populations.

went on to talk to angelo about booking him solo for a few poetry shows. he was stoked. I'll keep you posted on the progress of that show.

welp, that's it for now..

Take care, DAve


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Fishbone & Evolution Nite Club

Fishbone is not scheduled to play Evolution Nite Club anytime soon.


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