On Stage
John Norwood Fisher (eb, b, v)
Walter Kibby III (v, t)
Philip Fisher (d)
John Bigham (eg, g, key, v)
this was the second time i saw the bone and the first without chris dowd. they were touring for chim-chim and i think super8 opened the show. although the first time i ever saw them will always be the best show for me this one comes in a close second.they opened with pre nut, what a cool way to start! i think from that they went into nutmeg. others played question of life, psycologicaly overcast, beergut, alcohalic, so many millions and its been to long to remember any more! i wish the first show i saw them at was on here cause ive got a cool story to tell. Fuck it i'll tell ya anyways! it was in 93 right after lollapalozza. it was at the metropole in pittsburgh. to my dissapointment kendall was no longer. and dowd days were numbered. there must have been some weird vibe among the members. after they finished their first set they breaked. the crowd was chanting, it was packed, and when they came back i cant remember who( i think it was phil d fish) apologized to the audience. apparently he tried to get a drink at the bar. the bartender not knowing he was in the band told him to hang on while he serves the guests that were there first. and phil threw a glass at his head. needless to say they havnt played the metropole ever since! that was my first live bone show. but the ic light amp. show was a great time too.

It was in support of Chim Chim. I cant remember alot about it, but I do remember watching the opening band Super 8 and seeing Angelo swinging by his arms from some structure behind the stage while talking to some lady.LOL! Thats about all I can remeber!
Live Recordings
Fishbone & I.C. Light Amphitheatre
Fishbone is not scheduled to play I.C. Light Amphitheatre anytime soon. |