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Dec 13 1985 @ Olympic Auditorium Los Angeles, CA

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On Stage


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© flyersandstubs

© o.t.h.punk

© Joe Henderson

© Craig Ibarra
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2 reviews
Review found on the web 

this show was great! the bass player in Fishbone got stabbed in the back of his hand. I heard he whipped his dick out and shook it at some skinhead chick, so she stuck his hand to his bass. The singer for Fishbone was flipping out and wanted to fight everybody, but their manager calmed him down. The DK's were great!!

Review by Nijumu on Sep 28 2014 


Durga McBroom-Hudson (Pink Floyd, Blue Pearl wiith Youth of Killing Joke, Culture Club...) and also co writer of the song Karma Tsunami with Angelo on Fishbone & the familyhood nextperience CD.

told me the real story about what happened :

"That's bullshit. I was there, and saw the whole thing. They had a guest singer on "Lyin' Ass Bitch", I forget her name, and someone lobbed an entire beer in her face. Norwood jumped in the pit to beat on the guy, and got stabbed medial to the bicep (I know anatomy, and I saw the wound). If anyone wanted to fight, it was Fish."

 I’m pretty sure this was 1985. Gnarliest punk rock show I’ve ever been to.? I entered the arena, stepping over a kid that looked to be about 14 years old passed out in a puddle of his own vomit. ?Fishbone had a female guest singer up to sing “Lyin’ Ass Bitch“, and somebody threw a full 64 oz cup of beer in her face. So Norwood jumped in the pit, and got stabbed in the shoulder. Red Hot Chili Peppers also played that show, and before their set somebody lit a fire in a trashcan. Then somebody got a REALLY bad fractured leg in the pit during their set; they had to stop the show to get him out of the pit by people passing him overhead so he could receive medical attention.? This was all before the Dead Kennedys even came on.??

I was sitting behind the stage when the DK’s finally started their set. A shower of hocked loogies and phlegm was backlit by the stage lights from where I was sitting (safe from the disgusting onslaught), deluging the band. Jello was totally unfazed. I’d never seen anything like it before or since.?? That was probably the most intense punk rock show I’ve ever been to. But it was freaking awesome. Good times!??
My mom had NO idea I was going to shows like this, hanging with the band after the show, watching a girl puke pink alcoholic fruit punch out of the door of the van we were smoking weed in. But it’s part of why I’m the well-rounded musician I am today.
Thanks Durga



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Fishbone & Olympic Auditorium

Fishbone is not scheduled to play Olympic Auditorium anytime soon.


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