1. Party At Ground Zero 2. Ugly 3. Lyin' Ass Bitch 4. I Wish I Had a Date 5. The Suffering 6. Everyday Sunshine 7. Whipper Snapper 8. Skankin' to the Beat 9. Ma & Pa 10. Give it Up 11. Bustin Suds 12. Freddie's Dead | 13. Cholly 14. Crazy Glue 15. Unstuck 16. Alcoholic 17. Date Rape 18. Kung Fu Grip 19. Bonin' in the Boneyard 20. Sunless Saturday --Encore-- 21. They All Have Abandoned Their Hopes 22. The Goose 23. Let Dem Ho's Fight |
© MIck Burgess |
© SiMitchell |
Pictures : https://www.flickr.com/photos/philsherry/sets/72157644395437678
So the no theremin kept on with newscastle.
So close to the bans that's a great atmosphere.
Angelo dedicated the show to the guy in Manchester who asked him lemon meringue.
The ...
Fishbone is not scheduled to play Think Tank anytime soon. |
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