1. Party At Ground Zero 2. Ugly 3. Lyin' Ass Bitch 4. I Wish I Had a Date 5. The Suffering 6. Everyday Sunshine 7. Whipper Snapper 8. Skankin' to the Beat 9. Date Rape 10. "Simon Says" The Kingpin 11. Let Dem Hoes Fight (Pt 2) 12. Freddie's Dead | 13. Cholly With Bustin Loose intro 14. Crazy Glue 15. Unstuck 16. Alcoholic 17. Give it Up 18. Sunless Saturday --Encore-- 19. The Goose 20. Behind Closed Doors 21. Ma & Pa 22. Kung Fu Grip Should have been played earlier 23. Subliminal Fascism [not played] |
© Skapukra |
© Original Grinou |
© Original Grinou |
© Skapukra |
© Barbara Leggins |
Chaud Bouillant !
Merci à Jean Paul Bellanger pour ses photos du soundcheck et du groupe avant le concert. Visiter son blog de décalage culturel : pictures here from the soundcheck and pictures from the band before the show http://www.bel7infos.eu/fishbone-au-petit-bain-paris-le-18-mai-2014/
1000 degrees No air
the air conditinioning stopped after the elect...
Une T U E R I E pûre et simple ! Bravo les FISH ! Bravo le public !
My first ever FISHBONE gig, while I've been listening to the band for ages. One of the best concerts of all types I've ever attended !
My report in French there :
Fishbone is not scheduled to play Le Petit Bain anytime soon. |
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