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May 25 2013 @ Denver Day of Rock Denver, CO

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2 photos2 photos2 photos
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2 recordings2 recordings2 recordings
4 'hoodsters in attendance4 'hoodsters in attendance4 'hoodsters in attendance4 'hoodsters in attendance4 'hoodsters

On Stage


1. Intro
2. Unyielding Conditioning
3. The Suffering
4. I Wish I Had a Date
5. Behind Closed Doors
6. Everyday Sunshine
7. Ma & Pa
8. Dui Friday
9. Date Rape
10. "Simon Says" The Kingpin
11. Let Dem Ho's Fight
12. Deepshit Backstroke
13. Bonin' in the Boneyard
14. Question of Life
15. A Selection
16. Cholly
17. Crazy Glue
18. Hide Behind my Glasses
19. Alcoholic
20. Skankin' to the Beat
21. Party At Ground Zero


2 photos


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Live Recordings

1 live recording
Audio / Source : audience / Master : CDR / Length : 01:40:00 

Listen to this recording on's Live Music Archive !

Recording shared by 2 familyhoodsters
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Fishbone & Denver Day of Rock

Fishbone played already at Denver Day of Rock 2 times.
>May 29, 2010 22 photosNo video has yet been linked.No review has yet been submitted.An ordered setlist was submitted2 recordings5 'hoodsters in attendance
>May 26, 2012 33 photos3 videosNo review has yet been submitted.An ordered setlist was submitted2 recordings4 'hoodsters in attendance
Fishbone is not scheduled to play Denver Day of Rock anytime soon.


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