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Jan 05 2013 @ Palais Omnisports Paris-Bercy Paris, FR

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Rating : 9.5Rating : 9.5Rating : 9.5Rating : 9.5Rating : 9.5Rating : 9.5Rating : 9.5Rating : 9.5Rating : 9.5Rating : 9.52 votes
1 review1 review
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1 recording1 recording
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On Stage

Angelo C. Moore (v, sax, thr, per)
John Norwood Fisher (eb, b, v)
Walter Kibby III (v, t)
John Steward (d)
Rocky George (eg)
Dre Gipson (key, v)
Jay Armant (tb, v)


1. Sunless Saturday
2. Bonin' in the Boneyard
3. Flutter Butter
4. Cholly with Bustin' Loose Intro
5. The Suffering with Rub A Dub Soldier Intro
6. Crazy Glue
7. Party At Ground Zero last song of the fishbone concert
8. Unknown song Higher Ground w/Shaka Ponk


61 photos

© Fabien Houguet

© Oh Lord

© Ofé Lee(I\'m a Monkey)

© Oh Lord

© Erin Weston
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8 videos
Title:Shaka Ponk - Higher Ground @Bercy 05/01/2013 Multicam
Author:Baptiste Schicklin
Description:Voici le multicam de Higher Ground de Shaka Ponk à Bercy le 05/01/2013 avec Fishbone en GUEST sur ce titre.
Published:Jan 23 2013 05:40:41
Title:shaka ponk et fishbone paris bercy 05/01/13
Description:shaka ponk et fishbone paris bercy 05/01/13 reprise : Higher Ground (Stevie Wonder)
Published:Jan 19 2013 10:20:17
Title:Shaka Ponk @ Bercy - 09 - Higher Ground (feat. Fishbone)
Published:Jan 07 2013 08:08:00
Title:SHAKA PONK, "Higher Ground", feat. Angelo Moore (FISHBONE) - BERCY 2013 [HD]
Description:Fishbone (1ère partie), la seule fausse note de ce concert au demeurant mémorable : ambiance plombée dès le départ, son insoutenable. Sûrement excellent pour un festival de jazz à la Nouvelle Orléans, mais franchement d'un ennui indicible !
Published:Jan 07 2013 09:58:55
Title:fishbone bercy
Author:titi marshall
Published:Apr 11 2013 02:54:16
View more videos from this gig


1 review
Review by Nijumu on Jan 14 2013 

The day before, Fishbone played in frpnt of 200 people in a tiny venue/bar. But here it is the biggest indoor arena in France Bercy POPB in front of a 18000 audience(sold out), supporting Shaka Ponk the biggest french band of the last few years.When Fishbone began to play everybody's was already there. It's cool that the band opening could play in front of a soldout bercy, it's not everyday the case. they began with Sunless with Angelo making the crowd sing on the intro. The sound is good for a place like this .It could have been worse espicially with Fishbone. So no everyday, no ma & pa but bustin loose:cholly and two songs from the crazy glue : the title track and flutter butter. Dre did his rab a dub soldier on the stage that comes like 10 meters in the audience. Angelo had problems with the lenghth of his wire of his mic: fishbone. They played not considering they're opening & for an audience they don't know : no friendly songs. And Angelo ikes to play in front of audience that don't know them : he likes to win the crowd. Finally the end with Party at ground zero with Flyin' Jay stage diving and crowd surfing in the audience : he liked to swim. Then they came back later to perform a song with shaka ponk : higher ground of stewie wonder in the red hot chili peppers style : it sounded great and with a lot of fun & frienship between the two bands.And Jay did another jump in the audience. angelo during the song even began to sing Higher from sly stone. :) So it was a fantastic week end for the bone crew. Thanx Oh Lord team producrtion and shaka ponk: they opened for fishbone in 2007 in France and as they 're big fans of fishbone they asked them to play n their biggest concert of their tour and the final one of this tour two.It was shot for a dvdand the duet wil be included in the shaka pon Ithink...




Live Recordings

1 live recording
Audio / Source : audience / Master : DAT / Length : 00:45:00 
Recording shared by 2 familyhoodsters
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Fishbone & Palais Omnisports Paris-Bercy

Fishbone is not scheduled to play Palais Omnisports Paris-Bercy anytime soon.


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