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Jun 09 2009 @ Trabendo Paris, FR

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Rating : 9.66Rating : 9.66Rating : 9.66Rating : 9.66Rating : 9.66Rating : 9.66Rating : 9.66Rating : 9.66Rating : 9.66Rating : 9.666 votes
4 reviews4 reviews4 reviews4 reviews4 reviews
50 photos50 photos50 photos50 photos50 photos50 photos50 photos50 photos+50 photos
19 videos19 videos19 videos19 videos19 videos19 videos19 videos19 videos+19 linked videos
2 recordings2 recordings2 recordings
16 'hoodsters in attendance16 'hoodsters in attendance16 'hoodsters in attendance16 'hoodsters in attendance16 'hoodsters in attendance16 'hoodsters in attendance16 'hoodsters in attendance16 'hoodsters in attendance+16 'hoodsters

On Stage

Angelo C. Moore (v, sax, thr, per)
John Norwood Fisher (eb, b, v)
John Steward (d)
John McKnight (key, tb, eg, v)
Rocky George (eg)
Dre Gipson (key, v)


1. Poem Skank
2. The Suffering with rub adub soldier intro
3. Alcoholic
4. Date Rape
5. Deep Inside
6. Bonin' in the Boneyard
7. Behind Closed Doors
8. One Planet People
9. Cholly
10. Ma & Pa
11. Give it Up
12. Subliminal Fascism
13. Chim Chim's Badass Revenge
14. Let Dem Ho's Fight
15. Freddie's Dead
16. Sunless Saturday
17. Cheyenne Star Forever Moore
18. Everyday Sunshine
19. Party At Ground Zero
20. Unyielding Conditioning [not played]
21. Merch Booth Blues


50 photos

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17 videos
Title:Fishbone live in Paris 06/09/09 - Chimm Chimms Bad Ass Revenge
Description:Smoking rendition........
Published:Jun 10 2009 05:29:56
Title:Fishbone live in Paris 06/09/09 - Date Rape
Published:Jun 10 2009 05:36:51
Title:Fishbone live in Paris 06/09/09 - Subliminal Fascism
Description:Rare tune of Truth and Soul
Published:Jun 10 2009 05:32:38
Published:Jun 10 2009 05:28:21
Published:Jun 10 2009 05:25:19
View more videos from this gig


4 reviews
Review by Nijumu on Jun 10 2009 

Les bones nous ont fait un concert magistral dont ils ont le secret.
L'équation magique groupe trés en forme + public à fond qui réagit au 1/4 de tour + super set list et super son (Rocky !)= concert démentiel !!! De Give it up à Sunless impossible de respirer ils nous ont matraqué !!!! Meilleur concert de la tournée jusqu'à pr...


Review by Everlastbe on Jun 10 2009 

WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW! 3 shows in 5 days for me and this one is now in my top 3.

Got to the venue (very nice) and was able to see Lionel once again and finally meet Raoul. Then we met every member of the band and they all looked in an excellent mood. Angelo was wearing an amazing outfit. Had a nice chat with Professor McKnight whom I missed before as he wasn't so good. Then I saw Jean-Baptist...


Review by Lars0206 on Jun 11 2009 

une set list de folie,une ambiance de feu,encore un show mémorable !!! vivement Montargis...

Review by Johnfou on Jun 11 2009 

Unforgettable night in paris. What an outstanding performance! If you plan to go and see them on this tour, one advice : Beware of explosives ! The audience in paris went totally nutts and kept on adding kerosene to what was consuming itself already on stage at the speed of Halley. That roaring and raging fire soon became uncontrollable&nbs...


Live Recordings

2 live recordings
Video / Source : audience / Master : n/a / Length : n/a 
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Audio / Source : audience / Master : MD / Length : 01:57:01 
Recording shared by 1 familyhoodster
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Fishbone & Trabendo

Fishbone played already at Trabendo once.
>February 14, 2007Rating : 9.22Rating : 9.22Rating : 9.22Rating : 9.22Rating : 9.22Rating : 9.22Rating : 9.22Rating : 9.22Rating : 9.22Rating : 9.22 42 photosNo video has yet been linked.7 reviewsAn ordered setlist was submitted5 recordings17 'hoodsters in attendance
Fishbone is not scheduled to play Trabendo anytime soon.


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