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Nov 15 2008 @ Hawthorne Theather Portland, OR

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Rating : 6.5Rating : 6.5Rating : 6.5Rating : 6.5Rating : 6.5Rating : 6.5Rating : 6.5Rating : 6.5Rating : 6.5Rating : 6.52 votes
1 review1 review
2 photos2 photos2 photos
4 videos4 videos4 videos4 videos4 linked videos
No recording has yet been submitted.0 recording
6 'hoodsters in attendance6 'hoodsters in attendance6 'hoodsters in attendance6 'hoodsters in attendance6 'hoodsters in attendance6 'hoodsters in attendance6 'hoodsters

On Stage

Angelo C. Moore (v, sax, thr, per)
John Norwood Fisher (eb, b, v)
John Steward (d)
John McKnight (key, tb, eg, v)
Rocky George (eg)
Dre Gipson (key, v)
Mervin Campbell (t, fh)


2. Unyielding Conditioning
3. The Suffering
4. Behind Closed Doors Mic fails
5. Bonin' in the Boneyard Another mic fails
6. Subliminal Fascism
7. Let Dem Ho's Fight
8. Cheyenne Star Forever Moore
9. Freddie's Dead Yet another mic fails, Angelo finishes on his Sax mic
10. Ma & Pa
11. Give it Up
12. Date Rape Yet another Mic fails
13. Alcoholic Gary Glitter's 'Rock and Roll Part 2' in the center section
14. Sunless Saturday Mic fails, Angelo cuts the ending short and walks off.


2 photos


4 videos
Title:Fishbone - Portland, Oregon - Cholly
Description:Fishbone plays "Cholly" on 11/15/08 at the Hawthorne Theater in Portland.
Published:Nov 17 2008 06:08:53
Title:Fishbone - Portland, Oregon - Rock n' Roll Part 2 / Alcoholic
Description:A short clip of Fishbone playing a part of "Rock n' Roll Part 2 / Alcoholic" on 11/15/08 at the Hawthorne Theater in Portland.
Published:Nov 17 2008 06:32:46
Title:Fishbone - Portland, Oregon - Rub-a-dub Soldier/The Suffering
Description:Fishbone plays "Rub-a-dub Soldier/The Suffering" on 11/15/08 at the Hawthorne Theater in Portland.
Published:Nov 17 2008 05:00:36
Title:Fishbone - Portland, Oregon - Unyielding Conditioning
Description:Fishbone plays "Unyielding Conditioning" on 11/15/08 at the Hawthorne Theater in Portland.
Published:Nov 17 2008 02:32:38


1 review
Review by HITMAN on Nov 17 2008 

Wow. On at 10:50 and off at 12:09. The venue couldn't seem to get the equipment working all night. Endless mic failures, shorted cords and bad keyboard DI's. Several times Angelo was forced to finish songs on McKnight or Dre's mic and even on the Sax mic with no verb! The band was slammin, Angelo had the Theremin out and it was a great show going, but the hall really screwed the pooch on this o...


Live Recordings

0 live recording
If you have a recording of this show, please share it with the familyhood !

Fishbone & Hawthorne Theather

Fishbone played already at Hawthorne Theather once.
>September 01, 2012 4 photosNo video has yet been linked.1 reviewThe setlist has not yet been submitted.No recording has yet been submitted.4 'hoodsters in attendance
Fishbone is not scheduled to play Hawthorne Theather anytime soon.


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