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Aug 31 2008 @ Asylum Portland, ME

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Rating : 10Rating : 10Rating : 10Rating : 10Rating : 10Rating : 10Rating : 10Rating : 10Rating : 10Rating : 101 vote
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26 photos26 photos26 photos26 photos26 photos26 photos26 photos26 photos+26 photos
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6 'hoodsters in attendance6 'hoodsters in attendance6 'hoodsters in attendance6 'hoodsters in attendance6 'hoodsters in attendance6 'hoodsters in attendance6 'hoodsters

On Stage

Angelo C. Moore (v, sax, thr, per)
John Norwood Fisher (eb, b, v)
John Steward (d)
John McKnight (key, tb, eg, v)
Rocky George (eg)
Dre Gipson (key, v)


The setlist hasn't been submitted yet, please encode it if you can.


26 photos

© James Pappaconstantine

© James Pappaconstantine

© James Pappaconstantine

© James Pappaconstantine
View more photos from this gig


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3 reviews
Review by Marcusp on Sep 02 2008 

It was a great show as all Fishbone shows are.  I was the only guy stage-diving....thanks for catching me...except for once...


It's all good Kalabrew!  A good time was had by all :-) 

Review by Kaiabrew on Sep 05 2008 

It's been years since Fishbone has been to Portland and we are grateful for their return.

Only about 100+ people at the Asylum so it was an intimate show.  The sound was great and crowd was great.


There was someone recording it and I hope there is a copy available soon. Someone was also shooting video and snapping shots.


Marcusp  how's your ...


Review by Jimmy P on Sep 08 2008 

I was really excited to get the chance to see and shoot Fishbone again. Unfortunately when I saw them in 1996 for some reason, I didn't shoot the show. But I did get to meet the band both times. Both shows were fantastic, even though the members have changed. Angelo was a little less animated this time around, but also seemed a little less coked up. 

This time around the melodies were there, the harmony vocals were on key and the musicianship was above par. Angelo Moore again took command of the band, ( The new hardest working man in show business? ) Prior to the show's start he was hanging and selling Fishbone merchandise, On stage he kept the audience captivated. But again, lets not discount the band, for Angelo is one person, The band was tight. Drums and bass locking up to lay the perfect foundation for guitars, keys and horn, Angelo's vocals were the frosting on the cake, sweet as they were, they would be less so without that perfect foundation. Fishbone played a long set which included many old hits as well as some new stuff, Now Fishbone has so many songs that I am sure everybody left wishing there was one song that went unplayed that they wish had been played. For me.. It was Black Flowers. ( In my opinion this song has some of the greatest guitar playing and some great vocal harmonies. )

I was excited to see them again and hope that they will be around again this time with a little less time inbetween shows.

Another great show.. I added some of my pics ( mostly of Angelo, as I was center stage and that is where the lighting was best. ) to the Photo's section. Check em out.






Live Recordings

0 live recording
If you have a recording of this show, please share it with the familyhood !

Fishbone & Asylum

Fishbone is not scheduled to play Asylum anytime soon.


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