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Aug 09 2008 @ Park Rock Festival Beaudour, BE

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Rating : 9Rating : 9Rating : 9Rating : 9Rating : 9Rating : 9Rating : 9Rating : 9Rating : 9Rating : 92 votes
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On Stage

Angelo C. Moore (v, sax, thr, per)
John Norwood Fisher (eb, b, v)
John Steward (d)
John McKnight (key, tb, eg, v)
Rocky George (eg)
Dre Gipson (key, v)


2. Party At Ground Zero
3. Date Rape
4. Let Dem Ho's Fight
5. Bonin' in the Boneyard
6. Behind Closed Doors
7. The Suffering With Rub A Dub Soldier Intro
8. Alcoholic With Gary Glitter's Rock & Roll
9. Ma & Pa
10. Party With Saddam
11. Cheyenne Star Forever Moore
12. Everyday Sunshine
13. Give it Up
14. Sunless Saturday
15. Servitude


8 photos

© Nijumu

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9 videos
Title:Fishbone - Alcoholic - Park Rock Festival 2008
Description:Park Rock Festival 2008 - Belgium 09 August 2008 - Take a look at Dre's stunt...
Published:Aug 10 2008 01:31:55
Title:Fishbone - Park Rock Festival 2008 - Belgium
Description:Miscellaneous bits from that great concert from Ground Zero to Norwood's solo on Servitude
Published:Aug 29 2008 02:26:38
Title:Fishbone - Rub A Dub Soldier - Park Rock Festival 2008
Description:Great live performance from this amazing band, listen to the crowd go nuts...
Published:Aug 10 2008 11:13:54
Title:Fishbone - Bonin' in the Boneyard live Beaudour, Belgium
Description:From bass solo till end.
Published:Aug 10 2008 04:47:41
Title:Fishbone (park rock 2008) 01
Description:hallucinant !!!!
Published:Aug 12 2008 04:35:31
View more videos from this gig


4 reviews
Review by Gos on Aug 10 2008 

small festival (about 1000 in attendance) but as good as free (0.99 eurocent entrance).

Hit the stage at about 2300, played 'till 0100.

only my second show, but i love this band, great to hear 'old songs" like bonin' and ma and pa.

No trumpetplayer, but the band was playing very tight (as usual i guess). And during the encore (nice touch to give everybody an solo spotligh...


Review by Marie de Condé on Aug 10 2008 

Chouette concert. Malheureusement la voix d'Angelo passait parfois mal en façade.

Super ambiance en fishbone soldiers.  Ma cousine et moi avons rejoins Catherine, Oscar et Lionel.  Après le concert, nous avons trainé backstage avec une partie du band, Angelo, Dre et John (batteur).   Super chouette concert et génial ambiance d'afte...


Review by Everlastbe on Aug 11 2008 

Amazing concert once again!

Park Rock Festival - Belgium - nice venue with a good selection of bands - different styles but they all had something to make them stand up. Thanks to this fabulous website, I (Oscar) was able to get there with fans and get even a ride home from Catherine (éternellement reconnaissant maintenant!). Nijumu(Lionel) came from Paris to get once again his med...


Review by Catherine on Aug 16 2008 

Going to this festival early and leaving the party late was an attempt at getting over the addictive compulsive urge I have to listen to Fishbone all the time - alone. Fishbone makes me drift in my deep inner sea. Somehow this music connects to personal thoughts-feelings-moods. It's too strange to share. But meeting with Fishbone guys, soldiers and soldierettes was a relief and good fun! They might be a bit nuts (healthy craziness) but not furious.  

The concert was a great performance -despite bad sound balance - despite the missing trumpet.  With Party at Ground Zero they got every body electrified and skanking. It was a very intense start then getting somewhat softer after Alcoholics. I enjoyed the funny mischievous showtime by Angelo, stunning solo by Norwood and John at the end, cool singing by Dre, precise guitar by John McKnight - I did miss the horns but not Padre overacting. They are powerful on stage so dedicated, generous genuine genius it gives total brain wash, total oblivion. Fulfilling experience.

The after party backstage (with many people from the other bands, in a hospital-green room, bright lights) started in a murky mood: Fishbone had many shows canceled because of petrol cost (so they said), no birthday cake (next time!), Angelo pondering about his financial future and health, Norwood safely in bed (?)...  But still it was charming. Lots of friendliness and respect. Speaking French to Dre, witnessing Angelo and Marie's tender wedding, getting good impressions of McKnight's contradictions: playing for Fishbone and for troops... Until I left (5am) I saw no sign of decadence (except from Rocky who was too drunk too soon - and Renata and John who were fro-licking hard but both agreeing-I'm grateful to Renata!).

Recalling this grand ParkRock day puts me in a very happy mood. Still smiling at it.

Well -sounds like my Fishbone addiction is not over but forever. 
Thank you
See you again


Live Recordings

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Fishbone & Park Rock Festival

Fishbone is not scheduled to play Park Rock Festival anytime soon.


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