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Apr 26 2008 @ Elysée Montmartre Paris, FR

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Rating : 8.42Rating : 8.42Rating : 8.42Rating : 8.42Rating : 8.42Rating : 8.42Rating : 8.42Rating : 8.42Rating : 8.42Rating : 8.427 votes
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20 photos20 photos20 photos20 photos20 photos20 photos20 photos20 photos+20 photos
10 videos10 videos10 videos10 videos10 videos10 videos10 videos10 videos+10 linked videos
No recording has yet been submitted.0 recording
20 'hoodsters in attendance20 'hoodsters in attendance20 'hoodsters in attendance20 'hoodsters in attendance20 'hoodsters in attendance20 'hoodsters in attendance20 'hoodsters in attendance20 'hoodsters in attendance+20 'hoodsters

On Stage

Angelo C. Moore (v, sax, thr, per)
John Norwood Fisher (eb, b, v)
John Steward (d)
John McKnight (key, tb, eg, v)
Rocky George (eg)
Dre Gipson (key, v)
Dre Holmes (t, eg, g, v)


1. Dr Madd Vibe Spoken Word
2. Unyielding Conditioning
3. The Suffering With Rub
4. Alcoholic With Gary Glitter
5. Sunless Saturday
6. Bonin' in the Boneyard
7. Date Rape
8. Let Dem Hoes Fight (Pt 2)
9. Behind Closed Doors
10. Ma & Pa
11. Give it Up


20 photos

© la_kagol

© la_kagol

© la_kagol

© la_kagol

© la_kagol
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8 videos
Title:Fishbone @ Elysée Montmartre, Paris_2008.04.26
Description:Fishbone @ Elysée Montmartre, Paris_2008.04.26
Published:May 01 2008 07:29:54
Title:Fishbone @ Elysée Montmartre, Paris_2008.04.26
Description:Fishbone @ Elysée Montmartre, Paris_2008.04.26sorry for the very bad sound quality...
Published:May 01 2008 07:25:53
Title:Fishbone @ Elysée Montmartre, Paris_2008.04.26
Description:Fishbone @ Elysée Montmartre, Paris_2008.04.26sorry for the very bad sound quality...
Published:May 01 2008 07:14:23
Title:Fishbone @ Elysée Montmartre, Paris_2008.04.26
Description:Fishbone @ Elysée Montmartre, Paris_2008.04.26sorry for the very bad sound quality...
Published:May 01 2008 07:04:38
Title:Fishbone @ Elysée Montmartre, Paris_2008.04.26
Description:Fishbone @ Elysée Montmartre, Paris_2008.04.26sorry for the very bad sound quality...
Published:May 01 2008 06:56:41
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8 reviews
Review by Everlastbe on Apr 27 2008 

Texte français plus bas


First the disappointments:

- The stupid Parisian organization which didn't allow cameras in and only let the bands to play until 23.00 as a result I have no pictures/videos to upload here and the guys could only play one hour

- John McKnight didn't play as he was admitted in the hospital the day before for high blood

- Infectious Grooves - really good but not reaching the same level of intensity than Fishbone - I was in front, in the back and on both sides and at no point (except during ST's Subliminal with Rocky George and the last song "Infectious Grooves") I had a glimpse of the same continous crazyness than during Fishbone set.

- Not seeing Timothée or Marie de Condé

Now for the highlights :

- Meeting Dre Gipson and Wet Daddy upon my arrival in the room and greet them - no better way to start the evening.

- Grimskunk: really nice and tight set - a lot of energy guys well done!

- Meeting Denis, John Le Fou and other hardcore fans before, during and after the gig

- All songs were highlights from Angelo's first words "Free your mind,..." until the last notes of Give it up. Padre covered perfectly for John McKnight, Angelo and Dre were constantly diving (Dre thanks for following me when I pulled you down during Rub'aDub Soldier - it made the crowd go crazy). The rest of the band was constantly giving their best to match the crowd response. You guys blew my mind once again!

- Getting to meet and chat with all the band members after the show was great (including with the recovering John). I now have a signed t-shirt and I learnt that Fishbone is back in Europe in AUGUST !!!!!!

- Walking the next day in Paris while waiting for my train back to Brussels wearing proudly my Fishbone tshirt and being told by 4 different persons present at the show that Fishbone was much better than Infectious Grooves and that they deserved more time.

God I love Fishbone and as I always tell they respect so much their fans and they always give their best whether they play in front of 100 guys (like in Verviers) or in front of 1200 guys.


D'abord les déceptions:

- Les connards d'organisateurs parisiens qui ne permettaient pas de faire entrer les caméras et qui voulaient fermer la salle à 23.00. A cause de cela je n'ai aucune photo/vidéo à mettre en ligne et le groupe n'a pu jouer qu'une heure.

- John McKnight n'a pas pu jouer car il avait dû être admis à l'hopital la veille pour un problème de pression sanguine.

- Infectious Grooves - très bons mais ne pouvant pas atteindre le même niveau d'intensité que Fishbone - Je suis allé devant, derrière, sur les côtés et à aucun moment (sauf pendant Subliminal de ST avec Rocky George et la dernière chanson "Infectious Grooves") je n'ai vu d'exemple de la même folie qui régnait pendant le concert de Fishbone.

- Ne pas avoir vu Timothée ou Marie de Condé

Et maintenant les points positifs :

- Rencontrer Dre Gipson and Wet Daddy à mon arrivée dans la salle et les saluer - pas de meilleur moyen de commencer la soirée.

- Grimskunk: très bon concert - beaucoup d'énergie très bon moment!

- Rencontrer Denis, John Le Fou et d'autres fans hardcore avant, pendant et après le concert.

- Toutes les chansons étaient superbes et la folie s'est installée depuis les premiers mot d'Angelo "Free your mind,..." jusqu'aux dernières notes de Give it up. Padre a réussi à merveille à remplacer John McKnight, Angelo et Dre n'arrêtaient pas de plonger dans le public (Dre merci de m'avoir suivi lorsque je t'ai tiré dans la foule pendant Rub'aDub Soldier - ça a rendu le public dingue). Le reste du groupe a constamment donné de son mieux pour remercier le public de sa réponse. Encore une fois vous m'avez emerveillé!

- Avoir la chance de parler avec tous les membres du groupe après le concert était génial (y compris la présence de John). J'ai maintenant un t-shirt signé par tous et j'ai appris que Fishbone revient en Europe en AOUT !!!!!!

- Marcher le lendemain dans Paris en attendant mon train pour Bruxelles en arborant fièrement mon tshirt et m'entendre dire par 4 personnes différentes qui ont vu le show que Fishbone était mieux que Infectious Grooves et qu'ils auraient dû pouvoir jouer plus longtemps.

Bon dieu, j'adore Fishbone et comme je dis toujours, ils respectent tellement leur public en donnant de leur mieux, qu'ils jouent devant 100 personnes (comme à Verviers) ou devant 1200 personnes.


Review by Denis on Apr 28 2008 

It's been a while since i've seen Fishbone play in front of a packed 1300 capacity house and by the third of their set, they managed to win over the 60% of the audience there for suicidal grooves/ infectious tendencies. (while basically, at the end of the IG set a good third of the audience was much less interested)  The show was great but did not reach the crazy intensity of Perpignan. Eve...


Review by Moris1 on Apr 29 2008 

Great concert, good vibration and public in a delirium for an unfortunately too short set. Dre holmes and dre gibson has slam into the crowd but it is especially angelo who obviously took as much as pleasure than the public, he move and he jump over the surrounding in the public. Deeply the dvd!!!

Review by Johnfou on Apr 29 2008 

What else can I add ? Thumbs up to François who succeeded bringing Infectious and Fishbone on a big parisian venue. Yeah,short set indeed but the memories of that show are now stucked in my mind as a really enjoyable moment. The opening with "unyielding conditioning" was a good choice and reminded me the version they played at the Nouveau Casino two years ago... From past ...


Review by Doc Emett Brown on May 03 2008 

Great show in Paris but really short !!! It's also too bad that McNutt wasn't on stage ; hope to see him soon and that everything is now OK for him.

Great set mixing old songs and new songs with a lot of energy. But why do they have to stop so early ? Stupid !! It's cool to have 3 bands at the same show but if it's to let them play only one hour it doesn't mean a thing...



Review by Kurt the frenchy on May 04 2008 

bon deja, marre des concerts a paris, les horraires sont n'importe quoi. finir un concert a 23H, pourquoi faire? les derniers metros sont a 2h du mat

bref, manque de bol, avec un imprevu (mais merci au portier de m'avoir fait rentrer malgres que c'était complet) j'arrive a la moitié du show de fishbone. vert

et direct, je remarque qu'ils sont pas nombreux. tous en form...


Review by Kkwait on May 27 2008 

Good show... as always, but way too short !

I caught Angelo when he got off stage and told him : "Great show but... only 1 hour ?!"... his answer was "yeah man, we're not headlines..."

The shortest Fishbone show ever ! Not even a callback...

Fishbone was much more efficient than Infectious, the crowd was waving / jumping... "Bonin' in the boneyard"...


Review by Nijumu on Mar 04 2015

Angelo Moore is swimming in Paris in 2008! ?
Thanks a lot to Reivax P'tito for filming this!!!!


Live Recordings

0 live recording
If you have a recording of this show, please share it with the familyhood !

Fishbone & Elysée Montmartre

Fishbone played already at Elysée Montmartre 7 times.
>December 30, 1988 2 photosNo video has yet been linked.No review has yet been submitted.The setlist has not yet been submitted.No recording has yet been submitted.
>March 22, 1989 No photo has yet been submitted.No video has yet been linked.No review has yet been submitted.The setlist has not yet been submitted.No recording has yet been submitted.
>May 29, 1989 2 photosNo video has yet been linked.1 reviewThe setlist has not yet been submitted.No recording has yet been submitted.
>October 17, 1991Rating : 10Rating : 10Rating : 10Rating : 10Rating : 10Rating : 10Rating : 10Rating : 10Rating : 10Rating : 10 8 photosNo video has yet been linked.2 reviewsThe setlist has not yet been submitted.No recording has yet been submitted.4 'hoodsters in attendance
>October 19, 1991Rating : 10Rating : 10Rating : 10Rating : 10Rating : 10Rating : 10Rating : 10Rating : 10Rating : 10Rating : 10 3 photosNo video has yet been linked.No review has yet been submitted.The setlist has not yet been submitted.No recording has yet been submitted.6 'hoodsters in attendance
>July 07, 1992Rating : 10Rating : 10Rating : 10Rating : 10Rating : 10Rating : 10Rating : 10Rating : 10Rating : 10Rating : 10 2 photosNo video has yet been linked.2 reviewsThe setlist has not yet been submitted.No recording has yet been submitted.6 'hoodsters in attendance
>June 30, 2000Rating : 9.8Rating : 9.8Rating : 9.8Rating : 9.8Rating : 9.8Rating : 9.8Rating : 9.8Rating : 9.8Rating : 9.8Rating : 9.8 5 photosNo video has yet been linked.3 reviewsAn ordered setlist was submitted1 recording17 'hoodsters in attendance
Fishbone is not scheduled to play Elysée Montmartre anytime soon.


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