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Apr 17 2007 @ Plaza Club Vancouver, BC

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Rating : 9Rating : 9Rating : 9Rating : 9Rating : 9Rating : 9Rating : 9Rating : 9Rating : 9Rating : 91 vote
1 review1 review
16 photos16 photos16 photos16 photos16 photos16 photos16 photos16 photos+16 photos
3 videos3 videos3 videos3 linked videos
No recording has yet been submitted.0 recording
5 'hoodsters in attendance5 'hoodsters in attendance5 'hoodsters in attendance5 'hoodsters in attendance5 'hoodsters in attendance5 'hoodsters

On Stage

Angelo C. Moore (v, sax, thr, per)
John Norwood Fisher (eb, b, v)
John Steward (d)
John McKnight (key, tb, eg, v)
Rocky George (eg)
Dre Gipson (key, v)
Curtis Storey Jr. (t, v)


1. Unyielding Conditioning
2. The Suffering
3. Alcoholic
4. Beergut
5. Frey'd Fucking Nerve Endingz
6. Face Plant (Scorpion Back Pinch)
7. Lyin' Ass Bitch
8. Karma Tsunami
9. Jackass Brigade
10. Party With Saddam
11. Skank n' Go Nutts
12. Behind Closed Doors
13. Ma & Pa
14. Bonin' in the Boneyard
15. Junkies Prayer
16. Freddie's Dead
17. Cheyenne Star Forever Moore
18. Hide Behind my Glasses
19. Premadawnutt
20. Cholly
21. Date Rape
22. Let Dem Ho's Fight
23. Give it Up
24. Servitude


16 photos

© Stemietree

© Stemietree

© Stemietree

© Stemietree

View more photos from this gig


3 videos
Title:fishbone live in vancouver #1
Description:fishbone played at plaza club in vancouver 04/17/07
Published:Apr 18 2007 10:41:17
Title:fishbone live in vancouver #2
Description:fishbone played at plaza club in vancouver 04/17/07
Published:Apr 18 2007 11:08:10
Title:fishbone live in vancouver #3
Description:fishbone played at plaza club in vancouver 04/17/07
Published:Apr 19 2007 09:50:57


1 review
Review by Elchango on Apr 20 2007 

Despite the terrible sound, Fishbone was on fire. The band is tighter than ever and the current lineup sounds great! Dre Gipson adds a lot to the band with his vocals, dub rap parts, and also took several stage dives into the audience. Angelo was Angelo, dancing like a maniac and himself stage diving several times as well. This is probably the only time I've seen Fishbone where Angelo didn't have ...


Live Recordings

0 live recording
If you have a recording of this show, please share it with the familyhood !

Fishbone & Plaza Club

Fishbone is not scheduled to play Plaza Club anytime soon.


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