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Oct 30 2006 @ Le Grand Mix Tourcoing, FR

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Rating : 10Rating : 10Rating : 10Rating : 10Rating : 10Rating : 10Rating : 10Rating : 10Rating : 10Rating : 102 votes
1 review1 review
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On Stage

Angelo C. Moore (v, sax, thr, per)
John Norwood Fisher (eb, b, v)
John Steward (d)
John McKnight (key, tb, eg, v)
Rocky George (eg)
Dre Gipson (key, v)
Curtis Storey Jr. (t, v)


1. Unyielding Conditioning
2. The Suffering
3. Party With Saddam
4. Skank n' Go Nutts
5. Ugly
6. The Devil Made Me Do It
7. Premadawnutt
8. Freddie's Dead
9. Hide Behind my Glasses
10. Cheyenne Star Forever Moore
11. Behind Closed Doors
12. Lyin' Ass Bitch
13. Ma & Pa
14. Face Plant (Scorpion Back Pinch)
15. Date Rape
16. Let Dem Ho's Fight
17. Subliminal Fascism
18. Jackass Brigade
19. Sunless Saturday
20. Everyday Sunshine kickass intro by Dre
21. Karma Tsunami with Bonin intro...
22. Party At Ground Zero


9 photos

© Orgasmatron Eyes

© Orgasmatron Eyes

© Orgasmatron Eyes

© Orgasmatron Eyes
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1 review
Review by Denis on Oct 31 2006 

Wow - another great fishbone show. Openers Wolfunkind are really great, and god knows how though it is to even dare open for the bone ! they have a great sense of humor and self-derision (borderline belgian, i could say) on stage. Angelo came up on stage a couple of times to help them on Grimskunk's 'Looking for Gabio' (on fire!) and the maddvibesque 'Angelo Dances with Martine' (doodoodeewap). Rocky also pitched in a few solos. My son Tom and his friend Mathis were quite impressed i think.

Now onto the main course. what can i add that will not be written by someone else ? 2h20+ of pure Fishbone madness. I won't try to retroengineer the setlist at this point, i think that from SSIYT, only Lose our Minds >:^( and Freyed Fucking Nerve Endingz were not played, which means, yes ! that The Devil Made Me Do It is back on the setlist after, what, a 5 year hiatus. Great version too. Other highlights: - the supercharged turbo version of Behind Closed Doors. Compared to the studio version, the tempo must have been about twice as fast ! - the very responsive audience - all the new songs got a great response. Kudos to the soldierette who animated the pit most of the night. - two new 9-y old soldiers ! Tom suffered his first pit bruise, but he's really fine in case you wonder.

expect the show to be torrented in the next few weeks (DSBD).



Live Recordings

1 live recording
Audio / Source : soundboard / Master : MD / Length : 02:20:00 
Recording shared by 2 familyhoodsters
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Fishbone & Le Grand Mix

Fishbone is not scheduled to play Le Grand Mix anytime soon.


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