On Stage
John Norwood Fisher (eb, b, v)
John Steward (d)
John McKnight (key, tb, eg, v)
Rocky George (eg)
Dre Gipson (key, v)
Curtis Storey Jr. (t, v)
Alcoholic Behind Closed Doors Date Rape Everyday Sunshine Face Plant (Scorpion Back Pinch) Freddie's Dead Hide Behind my Glasses Jackass Brigade Let Dem Ho's Fight | Ma & Pa Premadawnutt Sunless Saturday The Suffering Ugly Unyielding Conditioning Party With Saddam |
© kike |
© kike |
© kike |
© boti |
© kike |
Huooooo!!! It's been two days since this concert in Durango and I?m still thinking about that show! Although this is the 5th time I see the band, they keep on having me by the balls!!
Everything was great. Good feelings among the crowd, lots of dancing, madness (Angelo & Dre fell with an amplifier onto the crowd, but they continued playing as nothing had happened) the band played great, I love the whole of the members (great clothes the ones of Norwood), and the new songs sound really good (Jackass Brigade a new classic tune!).
All I can say is that it?s been the best show I have seen this year (as everytime I?ve seen Fishbone). And of course, I wanna thank Angelo & Norwood and the rest of the guys for keeping on kicking our asses (by the way, the two friends who came to the show with me are now new Fishbone Soldiers! Let?s spread the 'Bone among the world!)
PS: I will also upload some photos, hope you like them. And it?s been a great surprise to see myself singing with Angelo in the photos posted by the other fella, gracias tio! ;-)
Un saludo a todos los que estubisteis en Durango y habeis posteado aqui. Me alegra ver que a la gente le haya gustado este show, porque fue la hostia de bueno y Fishbone se merecen este reconocimiento y m?s.
Egia da esaten dezuna Boti (suposatze dut euskera bakizula...), nik ere hartu nun set list bat ,John bateriarena, ta nahiz eta 2 ordu ta piko jo zuten 4 abesti utzi zituzten jo gabe, horien artean "Party at ground 0", "Karma Tsunami" eta "Servitude" bezelako temazok (foto batzu igo ditut, a ver set-lista ikusten dan). Jode, bakarrik hori falta zan, beste ordu erdi jotzea abesti hoiekin y nos matan!jajajj.
Be?o ezin kejau, esan bezela CONCIERTAZO EN MAYUSCULAS!!!
We want Fishbone back!!!!
Hello, Kaixo!!!
The concert was incredible. Angelo seems to be in his second younghood!!! 2 hours of pure energy!!!
A 10 for the stars and a little bit less for us...I took 2 setlists (Angelo's and Norwood's) and they had prepared a second bis...with Servitud on it!!!
Eskerrik asko FISHBONE!!!
Awesome concert!!!! one of the best Fishbone concerts I saw, and always enjoying like a Fishbone soldier in the firstline. Great set list and the new songs sound great like fopp says Jackass Brigade is now a classic and maybe let's them hoe's fight and date rape and I think behind the close doors is incredible too. I love the wind section with Angelo, John and Curtis playing at the same time (h...
Live Recordings
Fishbone & Plateruena Kafe Antzokia
Fishbone is not scheduled to play Plateruena Kafe Antzokia anytime soon. |