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Oct 17 2006 @ L'Olympic Nantes, FR

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Rating : 9.33Rating : 9.33Rating : 9.33Rating : 9.33Rating : 9.33Rating : 9.33Rating : 9.33Rating : 9.33Rating : 9.33Rating : 9.339 votes
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8 'hoodsters in attendance8 'hoodsters in attendance8 'hoodsters in attendance8 'hoodsters in attendance8 'hoodsters in attendance8 'hoodsters in attendance8 'hoodsters in attendance8 'hoodsters in attendance8 'hoodsters

On Stage

Angelo C. Moore (v, sax, thr, per)
John Norwood Fisher (eb, b, v)
John Steward (d)
John McKnight (key, tb, eg, v)
Rocky George (eg)
Dre Gipson (key, v)
Curtis Storey Jr. (t, v)


Ma & Pa
Dr Madd Vibe Spoken Word
Jam I think they jam on Frey'd Fucking Nerve Endingz after the second "encore
Jackass Brigade I'm not shuren there is an another one, but I don't remember for the moment
Party At Ground Zero This is the last before the "encore"
Date Rape
Frey'd Fucking Nerve Endingz
Freddie's Dead
Hide Behind my Glasses
Cheyenne Star Forever Moore
Party With Saddam
Face Plant (Scorpion Back Pinch)
Everyday Sunshine
The Suffering
Behind Closed Doors
Skank n' Go Nutts
Let Dem Ho's Fight
Subliminal Fascism
Sunless Saturday
1. Dr Madd Vibe Spoken Word
2. Sunless Saturday
3. Subliminal Fascism
4. Let Dem Ho's Fight
5. Ugly
6. Skank n' Go Nutts
7. Behind Closed Doors
8. The Suffering
9. Everyday Sunshine
10. Face Plant (Scorpion Back Pinch)
11. Ma & Pa
12. Party With Saddam
13. Cheyenne Star Forever Moore
14. Hide Behind my Glasses
15. Freddie's Dead
16. Frey'd Fucking Nerve Endingz
17. Date Rape
18. Party At Ground Zero
19. Jackass Brigade I'm not shure the played it in this order, and there is perharps an other song in the end
20. Alcoholic
21. Jam Jam on Frey'd Fucking nerve endingz


3 photos

© Stan

© YellowNiggga'


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No YouTube video has been linked yet.


7 reviews
Review by Washaki on Oct 18 2006 

Very nice 2H show with all classics fishbone sounds... ( party, sunless, freddy's etc ... ) & new tunes like Party with saddam, face plant, date rape ..... a nice surprise at the end, the hall was quite empty & the band came back to play Jackass brigade.

At th eend of the show, all members except John Mc Knight came to the merch office to dedicate cds, posters & setlist.



Review by Kurt the frenchy on Oct 18 2006 

wouuaaaaaa... Fishbone is come back to the best they can: the best band live in the world!!! All the members are in during this muthafucking show!! Lot of fun. One of the best show I have see. I'm too dead for continu now, I'll finish later... :D

Review by G.abitbol on Oct 18 2006 

Excellent show, what else to say more that the best live band in the world is back in force !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Note for the 1st "ENCORE" Alcoholic (i think) Premadawnutt (for sure)

Last "ENCORE" : Jackass Birgade (for sure too)

Review by Guiome on Oct 19 2006 

My two cent review of the Olympic Show in Naoned (nantes) Two days ago ...

We arrived 15 minute after the beginning of the Wolfunkind show. I saw them two years ago at the UBU Show in Rennes and i found them better this time. The lead singer use more often his strong voice, and the music is louder ... Always very funny guys, used to the stage and with some good songs and with fun lyrics... they got one new song with the very subtile title : "les metaleux c'est tous des gros pd... / "Metal Fans are all big sissy" (not sure of the translation... ) They even sell a T-shirt with this title written on the back! ;-))

Angelo came two time on stage with the Wolf: one time for the song they did together on the last Wolf's album... and a free improvisation song on a very simple funky guitar riff...

The Wolf did a great cover of one of our mythic european fusion band of the 90's : Urban Dance Squad... And it's was one of my favourite song of this band : "Good Grief" from the "Persona Non Grata" album ... Well good set of the Wolf, but difficult for them to move the audience, a little bit late and waiting for Fishbone...

For Fishbone, I think there was about 400-500 people in the olympic... Less than two years ago where it was full (700 or 800 people) .

It was a very good Fishbone show, perhaps as good as the one in Nantes two years ago . It's a pleasure to see Fishbone like that because last June in Saint Brieuc they seemed too old and in Malestroit last year the seemed too drunk and stoned? My opinion is that Fishbone is really not a Festival Band: they need two hours or more to express !!

- Angelo in a great shape, very happy on stage, crowdsurfing from time to time, dancing like in the good ol' days! - Norwood drunk many many little bottle of energy drink and seemed very focus on the show behind his white glasses ! - For the first time in 5 show I heard Rocky!!! Not totally at the right volume but hearable!! I love his way of guitar playing ! - Show after show I appreciate more and more the work of Dre Gibson, as a Keyboards player and as a show man! Crowdsurfing in a Angelo style, dancing with the crowd ... Thanks man! - John on the drums makes me laugh a lot... don't know why but I love this man! He throw away at least 4 sets of drumstick... - John on trombone, guitar and keryboard is pro as always - Curtis seem more and more confident, singing more than previous show, dancing a little...

If I try to compare to the last Nantes Show, it was louder, more heavy songs... less funky...

They invited 7 or 8 girls for dancing on stage, girls were just happy to see the back of Angelo from the top!! :-)) And Angelo confirmed he love big girls!

The new tunes rocks : Let dem hoes Fight, Party with Saddam ... Even Jack Ass Brigade was good in the show, very fun song ... I really love "Behind closed doors"...

Thanks boys for the show it was so good, I get some music in the ears and some pleasure for weeks ! When Fishbone is so good, it?s a dope!!! The lonely problem is: why does it have to stop, we want more!! 


Review by Moris1 on Oct 19 2006 

I know fishbone since 2004. I always take a snap in live. Their maitrise and all simply inplaccable. I want some more live!!!! It's pure energie. the best live band in all time FISHBONE RULES FOREVER

Review by Stan The Man on Oct 22 2006 

My first Fishbone show !

It was awesome ! Me and my friends enjoyed it a lot. I want to see them again. Plus, I got a pair of John's sticks (cool cuz i play drums !) and one setlist !!!

Review by Nijumu on Mar 27 2015

Live Recordings

0 live recording
If you have a recording of this show, please share it with the familyhood !

Fishbone & L'Olympic

Fishbone played already at L'Olympic once.
>March 10, 2005Rating : 9.57Rating : 9.57Rating : 9.57Rating : 9.57Rating : 9.57Rating : 9.57Rating : 9.57Rating : 9.57Rating : 9.57Rating : 9.57 13 photos1 video1 reviewAn ordered setlist was submittedNo recording has yet been submitted.8 'hoodsters in attendance
Fishbone is not scheduled to play L'Olympic anytime soon.


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