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Dec 23 2005 @ Knitting Factory Hollywood, CA

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On Stage

Angelo C. Moore (v, sax, thr, per)
John Norwood Fisher (eb, b, v)
John Steward (d)
John McKnight (key, tb, eg, v)
Rocky George (eg)
Dre Gipson (key, v)
Curtis Storey Jr. (t, v)


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1 review
Review by LL.nutt on Jan 09 2007 

LLL figured he shouLd post this review here, not just on 'the List':

a very merry xmas to friends and familyhoodLums, past, present and future!

HoLLy w?rst buLLy vard is especiaLLy respLendent at christmas time, Lots of extra eLectricity everywhere. Doctor madd vibe was hanging posters hawking his new joint when i waLked into the knitting factory, aLL three rooms for one price on this evening. (sometimes it's spLit up) the opening band in the main room were playing Who/MC5 infLuenzed power chord cock rock. a rockabilly/swing combo complete with washboard bass was playing in the front room, and a twangy, girl in santa hat band was in the aLter-knit Lounge.

"The Fishbone Familyhood Nextperience (featuring all current members)" as it was biLLed, hit the stage about 11pm; maddvibe reciting LinkoLgies oLd and new untiL Mr. John Steward grabbed the mic and said, "sounds Like buLLshit to me..."

This show was Loose, Like a handfuL of rubber bands. one couLd say this was not a "Fishbone" show, in that none of the cLassic nuttsactor anthems were pLayed, and the most frenetic moments were during an extended noise vamp on Freddie's Dead. a sLow rocksteady "what Have I Done" got coupLes dancing. (don't think i've heard that one live before)

the first number was a funky free form jam, heLd down by Rocky and Norwood. with more than a nickLe bag of so Lows, aLL around. i didn't catch homeboy's name on the trumpet (not the pastor), but eye gotta say: McNutt is a baaddassss motherbrother on the 'bone, and a damn good guitarist (stiLL missed Tori though)... oh, and he's got the tasty keyboard Licks too (no dre gipson either)

the whoLe set was very Laid back, Low key, and heavy emphasis on dubwise instrumentaL sections. i especiaLLy enjoyed the new sLow skanking version of Cheyenne Star Forever Moore. i've said before, here and eLsewhere, 'that this is one of AngeLo's catchiest meLodic hooks ever, and every time i've heard him sing it, it gives me goose bumps because i can feeL the Love he feeLs for his daughter.

They pLayed other new songs, ones i haven't heard before, but dug, and aLso Jackass Brigade, which i kept expecting to acceLerate above the uptempo skank, it started out as. Dub was the order of the day. KF has an exceLLent PA system; 'Wood's bass rumbLed through the soLar pLexus, and wet daddy's toms and kick feLt Like thunder. AngeLo conducted the horns into some wicked echo fadeouts and buildup/breakdowns.

I don't think any other List members were there, but i did see this one taLL redhead i used to aLways see at the nutsack. I spoke to one of our favorite members, but i guess she didn't break away from her xmas party. P-Funk artist Overton Loyd was in the house, sketching the band onto a tabLet hooked up to his new powerbook. Gina HaLL of fame and Ronkat the funkLectic were aLso present, aLong with Jeffery, aka PFUNK1 from

the maybe 100 peopLe or so who were therehad a good time, and shaked their ass.

anyway, i need some more egg nog. you mugs be cooL, stay happy and heaLthy, drive safeLy and Love your neighbors, their dogs, and the gingerbread man. remember Lamar Loves you, and no amount of scenty mentaL reaLity can stop nuttin'...

paz, amor, y masa,

LLL thee fromunda mentaList...


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Fishbone & Knitting Factory

Fishbone is not scheduled to play Knitting Factory anytime soon.


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