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Jul 28 2005 @ Festival l'Estivale Estavayer-le-Lac, CH

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Rating : 7Rating : 7Rating : 7Rating : 7Rating : 7Rating : 7Rating : 7Rating : 7Rating : 7Rating : 72 votes
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On Stage

Angelo C. Moore (v, sax, thr, per)
John Norwood Fisher (eb, b, v)
John Steward (d)
John McKnight (key, tb, eg, v)
Rocky George (eg)
Dre Gipson (key, v)
Curtis Storey Jr. (t, v)


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2 reviews
Review by Rafael on Aug 02 2005 

C'est un FISHBONE fraîchement débarqué des U.S.A. (ils sont arrivés la veille à Paris) que nous retrouvons ici, à Estavayer. La journée était chaude est très ensoleillée et comme ils sont arrivés tôt le matin (09:00) et que le site du festival se trouve au bord d'un lac, ils ont goûté aux joies du wakeboard (Angelo m'a dit qu'il n'avait pas arrété de tomber, si j'ai bien compris......


Review by Nico on Aug 15 2005 

Hi soldiers,

a quick review of yesterday show in Estavayer Festival.

First the festival is really on a perfect spot in a big park just on the lakeside. Very cool festival !

The main act was Saian Super Crew some kind of french hip-hop that was very pathetic. There was about 800 people for this show but after everybody left so there were only 150 persons for Fishbone...

First the line-up changed a bit. The trumpet player changed, it was not Dre, but an older guy which I prefered for not always trying to steal the show... Sorry but I didn't checked his name... There is also only Rocky at the guitar this time (Except for Mr Mc Nutt who plays some guitars on some tunes).

The show took one or two song to warm up and to tune up the sound, but after it was a very good show. As always it's really amazing to see how some very old songs changed completely since march !!! They're reinventing the songs every night. The version of the suffering was really amazing.

I have not the setlist and am too tired to remember... But there were some old songs that I didn't heard live since a long long time from Chim Chim and GAMAB... A friend of mine has the setlist I should check... Maybe P.L. has it ? However a good setlist.

Maybe a little short because they had to cut the sound at 2AM. So no encores...

Everybody seemed to enjoy playing and there was really a good vibe on stage. Norwood broke again a cord on the 3rd song (it allready broke one in Geneva last time...) but this time he played the rest on the show on his second bass (not the Warwick). Angelo was Angelo...

I talked just a bit with the guys in the backstage and mainly with the european tour manager who said us that next tour in Europe will be June 06 for the release of the new album !!! Let's cross our fingers!!!

I preferred this show vs the one of Geneva earlier this year. The sound was more Fishbonesque, Maybe Dre departure... I thought he was a bit too R&B and changing the band sound...

Can't wait for the show in Geneva in two weeks. Should be very cool in a large park, and it will be a free show so I hope there will be a lot of new souls to convert...



Live Recordings

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Fishbone & Festival l'Estivale

Fishbone is not scheduled to play Festival l'Estivale anytime soon.


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