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Apr 29 2005 @ Roxy Theather Atlanta, GA

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Rating : 8.6Rating : 8.6Rating : 8.6Rating : 8.6Rating : 8.6Rating : 8.6Rating : 8.6Rating : 8.6Rating : 8.6Rating : 8.65 votes
5 reviews5 reviews5 reviews5 reviews5 reviews5 reviews
1 photo1 photo
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4 'hoodsters in attendance4 'hoodsters in attendance4 'hoodsters in attendance4 'hoodsters in attendance4 'hoodsters

On Stage

Angelo C. Moore (v, sax, thr, per)
John Norwood Fisher (eb, b, v)
John Steward (d)
John McKnight (key, tb, eg, v)
Rocky George (eg)
Torrel Ruffin (eg)
Dre Gipson (key, v)
Dre Holmes (t, eg, g, v)


The setlist hasn't been submitted yet, please encode it if you can.


1 photo


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5 reviews
Review by OLDBONE on Apr 30 2005 

Since the last time I saw the Bone in '88 (opening for the Chili Peppers), Ive never been around when they were playing. Just so happened that I was online yesterday and the Bone happened to be in ATL...Cool

In those almost 20 years since Ive seen them the CDs were always laying around and even my kids were into the music. So what the hell...time to take my 12 year old to he...


Review by Hooper_X on Apr 30 2005 

This is only the second time I've managed to catch the bone in ATL, but it was one hellacious ride. Everyone sounded great, the standard (by which I mean insane) fishbone energy was full in effect, too bad the crowd was mostly teeny-boppers and frat boys there to see Slightly Stoopid. Good set, good mix of classic stuff (Sunless Saturday, Party at Ground Zero, Ma & Pa, Freddie's Dead). Too bad ...


Review by Damn Yankee on May 02 2005 

Okay, so it has been mentioned that the crowd kind of sucked, but the band never stopped trying to get them into it. I actually felt a little bit bad for SS, because the fan base was not one you'd expect to see sticking with a group for more than a few months. I hope I am proven wrong on that one. But either way it was a great show, and even the presence of a Man U. fan (who was actually a cool...


Review by Marcus on May 02 2005 

My favorite group came to Atlanta last Friday. I missed them at Smith's Olde Bar and I was talking to someone Friday that was saying their show was smokin.' I really wish they had not opened Friday because they only played for about an hour. Also, the kids there that had not clue about Fishbone got on my nerves a bit. Their set was off the hook and Angelo's energy was as high as usual. Hearin...


Review by Babyhead on May 06 2005 

Yes sir! Fishbone was playing hard! The energy was high, on stage, but i'll agree with the rest of the soliders that the SS crowd stood confused. Who in the hell??? Shut up bitches and step aside we needs to skank and pit. This was the first show that i'd been to where Angelo didn't jump in the crowd. Can't blame him, most of those people would have stepped out the way. Not having the crowd behind...


Live Recordings

0 live recording
If you have a recording of this show, please share it with the familyhood !

Fishbone & Roxy Theather

Fishbone played already at Roxy Theather 2 times.
>February 16, 1994 No photo has yet been submitted.No video has yet been linked.No review has yet been submitted.The setlist has not yet been submitted.No recording has yet been submitted.
>September 13, 1996Rating : 10Rating : 10Rating : 10Rating : 10Rating : 10Rating : 10Rating : 10Rating : 10Rating : 10Rating : 10 1 photoNo video has yet been linked.1 reviewThe setlist has not yet been submitted.No recording has yet been submitted.2 'hoodsters in attendance
Fishbone is not scheduled to play Roxy Theather anytime soon.


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