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Apr 23 2005 @ Jazz and Heritage Festival New Orleans, LA

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Rating : 10Rating : 10Rating : 10Rating : 10Rating : 10Rating : 10Rating : 10Rating : 10Rating : 10Rating : 103 votes
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61 photos61 photos61 photos61 photos61 photos61 photos61 photos61 photos+61 photos
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14 'hoodsters in attendance14 'hoodsters in attendance14 'hoodsters in attendance14 'hoodsters in attendance14 'hoodsters in attendance14 'hoodsters in attendance14 'hoodsters in attendance14 'hoodsters in attendance+14 'hoodsters

On Stage

Angelo C. Moore (v, sax, thr, per)
John Norwood Fisher (eb, b, v)
John Steward (d)
John McKnight (key, tb, eg, v)
Rocky George (eg)
Torrel Ruffin (eg)
Dre Gipson (key, v)
Dre Holmes (t, eg, g, v)


1. Unyielding Conditioning
2. Everyday Sunshine
3. Ugly


61 photos

© Jeremy Marks

© Jeremy Marks

© (c)Heidi Joy Vanhaverbeke

© Arno Meulenkamp

© Jeremy Marks
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3 reviews
Review by Funkymas on Apr 25 2005 

Wow What a great power set! In General First Weekend of Jazz Festival was insane. The Black Crowes, Fishbone, The Meters The Main event for me on Saturday was seeing Fishbone, then going to see Buddy Guy and to claim my spot for The Meters Reunion But to review this show, Fishbone, Wow It was a great show. People were totally digging the jam, the culture, it was a great day as fa...


Review by Ben waugh on Apr 29 2005 

all that i have learned to know and love fishbone......)thats right a beautifull day in the sun.Horns rung my bell as i covered my track out on the track livin in eureka ca hey by the way there show here on jan 18th was the first one this year im sorry i never wrote a reveiw was havin a hard i feel like skatin......)bwaugh thank you fishbone yp

Review found on the web 

L.A.'s Fishbone has been together for twenty years, but they played with the energy of a band still trying to make it at Jazzfest Saturday afternoon. Well, Fishbone never officially "made it." They're just one of those bands that survives by riding in a bus all year with a legacy of smart, good music and loyal fans.

Here's some adjectives to describe Fishbone: volatile, confident, fun, rambunctious, street-smart, quirky, and passionate.

The insane rantings of lead vocalist/saxophonist Angelo Moore went well with the music's schizophrenia. Equal parts ska, funk, metal, and punk. Mix doo-wop background vocals with Chuck Berry melodies with the flamboyance of Parliament Funkadelic with the social commentary of Gil Scott Heron with the aggression of Bad Brains. And it's a socially conscious party, baby(say like Bootsy Collins).

Fisbone focused their energy on racism("Beergut"), alcoholism("Alcoholic"), and drug addiction on Curtis Mayfield's "Freddie's Dead." Moore started the set with a solo spoken-word rap about his hopes for the future of the world.

Moore was a great frontman. The other band members were into the songs, but Moore provided energy for all of them. He tripped, stumbled, and ran around the stage like an uncaged Nick Nolte. He bent over backwards, blew raspberries into the mic, and hit himself over the head with an inflattable baseball bat. Ok, I made that last one up, but it wouldn't have been off-character.

The front of the Congo Square field was full of people throwing arms into the air and jumping up and down for Fishbone. It was a celebration.



Live Recordings

1 live recording
Audio / Source : soundboard / Master : DAT / Length : 00:20:00 
Recording shared by 2 familyhoodsters
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Fishbone & Jazz and Heritage Festival

Fishbone is not scheduled to play Jazz and Heritage Festival anytime soon.


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