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Apr 15 2005 @ City Limits Tucson, AZ

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3 'hoodsters in attendance3 'hoodsters in attendance3 'hoodsters in attendance3 'hoodsters

On Stage

Angelo C. Moore (v, sax, thr, per)
John Norwood Fisher (eb, b, v)
John Steward (d)
John McKnight (key, tb, eg, v)
Rocky George (eg)
Torrel Ruffin (eg)
Dre Gipson (key, v)
Dre Holmes (t, eg, g, v)


1. Unyielding Conditioning
2. Ugly
3. Face Plant (Scorpion Back Pinch)
4. Subliminal Fascism
5. Freddie's Dead
6. Hide Behind my Glasses
7. The Suffering
8. Skank n' Go Nutts
9. Ma & Pa
10. Karma Tsunami
11. Beergut
12. Jackass Brigade
13. Sunless Saturday
14. Servitude
15. Everyday Sunshine
16. Lyin' Ass Bitch [not played]
17. Jam this jam included van halen's "runnin' with the devil"
18. Unknown song forever veneer?
19. Dr Madd Vibe Spoken Word included much jamming and imrov
20. Party At Ground Zero


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2 reviews
Review by Sourpussissy on Jun 25 2005 

Well even before the show began it was clingin' to the edge of the abyss! Angelo was not with the band because his father was on his death bed, may he rest in peace. John Steward had told me if Angelo couldn't make it ,the show would end up as a big-ass Fishbone jam. With the last warm-up on stage Angelo is whisked in by an airport shuttle van noticeably carrying the weight of the world upon his s...


Review from the Nuttwork's archive 

Well, the Tucson show was great. Angelo was there. He said that his father had died and dedicated Karma Tsunami to him. Everything was good: sound, crowd, band etc. There was your classic friendly Fishbone pit. No one trying to hurt anybody. Talked with Tori for a while and he was super nice. He was really interested in posting to this list but doesn't know how. Of course he wanted to remind everybody to check out Freakjuice. Everybody played well. The twin axe attack still rocks. McNutt is kinda trying to be the new Walt. He just plays a horn and sings and almost never touched a keyboard except when Dre was toasting. No brand new material, just Faceplant, Jackass Brigade and Cheyenne Star Forever Moore. Did you know Faceplant is about snowboarding? In spite of the circumstances, Angelo really gave a lot and put on an intense show. They really stretched the outro to Beergut (poor WetDaddy) and the horns sounded mean there at the end like a tugboat from Hell or something. If anybody else was there from the list then I missed you. Saw one guy in a Fedora but it wasn't Jeff. I had on the black FB tee with fisbhone pointed down on front in yellow and red circles, white dude, 6', brown hair, front and center most of the time. Here's most of the songs that they played in mostly no particular order: Unyielding Conditioning Alcoholic w/ Back in Black in the middle (I love hearing FB scream the lyrics to BIB) Hide Behind My Glasses Running with the Devil (Yes, Van Halen, Angelo was pulling random words out of his arse for this one, again really funny.) Beergut Karma Tsunami Facelpant Jackass Brigade Servitude Ma and Pa Ugly Suffering Subliminal Facism Fuck You Norwood (not a song just an audience participation chant type thing, b/c he was slow retrieving his bass for the encores.) Cheyenne Star Forever Moore Pary at Ground Zero



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Fishbone & City Limits

Fishbone is not scheduled to play City Limits anytime soon.


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