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Feb 07 2004 @ Malibu Inn Malibu, CA

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On Stage


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1 review
Review from the Nuttwork's archive 

I started out Friday at the Coach House in Santa BabyLon, where i partied down with Lisa B. That girL is heLLa fun, a bLast to kick it with, and sweeter than Strawberry Hill. the first opening band we caught (don't know their name) i will attempt to describe as a bLend of Late '70's roLLer disco, and emo, with Lots of percussion. LittLe singer dude had whiteboy fro and was decked out in Layered fLashdance-esque cLothes. 2 cents, Led by the obnoxious singing drummer with a spitting habit, foLLowed with a set of juvenile punk/metal. The most bearable part was the theme from King of the HiLL... Fishbone FamiLyhood came on around 11:30 with AngeLo, Norwood, John, Rocky and Tori, joined by Kid Merv on trumpet and fLugeLhorn, ELizabeth (from Weapon of Choice & Dakah, she is bad as heLL) on trombone, and a young cat named Tre on keys (he sounds reaLLy good). Coach House is a tough room, i guess, 'cause the crowd was even more sparse than the show back in november. No surprises in the set (maybe Lisa wiLL post the List if y'aLL's curious). Afterwards, we chatted with John and Tori and their Ladies, reaL cooL, down to mars foLks, aLL of them.

The band aLways gives more when the crowd give more, and that's how it was on saturn day at the MaLibu Inn. This was an aLL ages show, and it was packed. AngeLo seemed fired up from the get go, walking all the way to the back of the room to hype the crowd. The pit was rowdy all night, and the band seemed to feed off that energy, playing with a lot more fire. Speaking of fire, AngeLo fried about 3 monitors, filling the room with the acrid aroma of electrical fire, much to the amusement of Norwood and Rocky. I had a nice chat with Keisha, and briefLy spoke to Ms. Berrington.

After 2 nights in a row, i was gonna just sit home and watch GC and Bootsy on the Grammys. Then Mega Nutt called me and said to come on down to catch his set. I picked him up and we headed down to Johnny Foxx's in CuLver City. ALong the way, he pLayed me two instrumentaL "surf-funk" toons (reaL nutty tom-bone infused rockers) he submitted for consideration to the Spiderman 2 soundcrack. After he got set up, we were waLking out for some Highperspice, when we noticed Big Boi on the Grammys. Man, seeing Maurice White, GC, Bootsy, Bernie, and the rest of the funk Mob aLL together just about brought tears to my eyes. The P managed to incLude oLd Parliament, oLd FUNKADELiC, some new funk, and bLue funk aLL in 3 minutes. I can feeL the presence of the Mothership... Drink aLL the hater ade you want; FUNK GETS STRONGER!!!

Under the name "Lon Ho", Lonnie (on guitar) and drummer John Wicks from SeattLe pLayed a set of tunes that have mostly not been heard in pubLic. "Out of ControL ControL Freaks" about type A ceLL phone sLaves behind the wheeL, Sexy Mama (from the hen house CD) and other new gems from the nuttness monster his seLf... I asked Lonnie if John Wicks, who just moved here from SeattLe, might become the new WOC drummer he's been Looking for...

We caught some of SeattLe based PhonkButt's set. They reminded me slightly of 24/7 spyz, especially the hard rock version of Roberta FLack's Where Is The Love... We Left before Fishbone started, and went to a party at the GaLaxy GaLLery on MeLrose. FreestyLe rhymes were fLowing over the pungent haze of hookah smoke. If you ever want to drop a thousand bucks on some gLass, check this pLace out, they had some insane pieces.

Lon Ho is pLaying the Lava Lounge this tuesday. Stay tooned...

fLy on,

L?mar Miles


Live Recordings

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Fishbone & Malibu Inn

Fishbone played already at Malibu Inn 6 times.
>November 22, 2003 No photo has yet been submitted.No video has yet been linked.1 reviewAn unordered setlist was submittedNo recording has yet been submitted.
>October 07, 2006Rating : 10Rating : 10Rating : 10Rating : 10Rating : 10Rating : 10Rating : 10Rating : 10Rating : 10Rating : 10 2 photosNo video has yet been linked.No review has yet been submitted.The setlist has not yet been submitted.No recording has yet been submitted.3 'hoodsters in attendance
>March 31, 2007Rating : 9Rating : 9Rating : 9Rating : 9Rating : 9Rating : 9Rating : 9Rating : 9Rating : 9Rating : 9 No photo has yet been submitted.9 videos1 reviewAn ordered setlist was submittedNo recording has yet been submitted.6 'hoodsters in attendance
>May 30, 2008 1 photo1 videoNo review has yet been submitted.The setlist has not yet been submitted.No recording has yet been submitted.1 'hoodster in attendance
>March 02, 2012 2 photosNo video has yet been linked.No review has yet been submitted.The setlist has not yet been submitted.No recording has yet been submitted.
>February 01, 2013 1 photoNo video has yet been linked.No review has yet been submitted.The setlist has not yet been submitted.No recording has yet been submitted.
Fishbone is not scheduled to play Malibu Inn anytime soon.


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