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Jan 28 2004 @ Fox Theater Boulder, CO

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I also saw Fishbone in Boulder this past Wednesday, and the setlist was as follows:

Angelo's Poems Unyielding Conditioning Another Generation Are U Wit It Alcoholic Ma & Pa Lyin' Ass Bitch Suffering / Abondon Everyday Sunshine Ugly All Kept Startin' Party at Ground Zero Freddy's Dead Sunless Saturday

The unplayed encore was supposed to be: X-Cuse Me Dr. Madd Vibe (more spoken word I assume) House Call Puh-Lease Fishbone Is Red Hot

The lineup had some changes, Angelo, John, Norwood were all there, 2 new guitar players, new trumpeter, a female trombone player who sang Lyin' Ass Bitch, and a keyboard player. The show was amazing and I recommend you see them if they come your way. Norwood's purple bathrobe and Angelo's craisy paisly jacket were hilarious, not to mention the guitarist's huge afro and the on-stage pot smoking. They played everything very well and seem pretty tight. Great band, hope they keep it up. Have fun!

Skamonkey77 (


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Fishbone & Fox Theater


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