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Nov 21 2003 @ Coach House Santa Barbara, CA

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0 'hoodster

On Stage


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1 review
Review from the Nuttwork's archive 

Satan BabyLon (LP) - The newest chapter in the FISHBONE story got under way Last night as the NUTTSACTOR 7 threw down the gauntLet of previous incarnations and ran through a set of favorites spanning the gamut or their 20-year career. Dr. Maddvibe took the stage first to teLL the mostLy young white audience about his frustrating experiences trying to reach Jah Jah On the TeLephone. Turning to his trusty theremin cued the rest of the band to join him, the first audibLe addition being the souLfuLL organ of Mr. Anthony Brewster. Proving the Psychotic Friends Nuttwerk is stiLL in fooL effect, they Launched into UnyieLding Conditioning, the toon most recentLy steadfast upon this reporter's mentaL pLayList. The fuLL horn section fits reaLLy nice, but I stiLL had a underwheLming empty feeLing from seeing FISHBONE minus Dirty WaLt...

The band, incLuding I-Timothy on trombone, (didn't catch his name) on trumpet and former SuicidaL Rocky George on guitar, seemed to be having a Lot of fun on stage most of the night. This was quite refreshing, especiaLLy those moments of spontaneity 'when probLems arose'. One probLem might have been the Lunch box size stage monitors. At times, parts of the mix wouLd drop out and come back watered down. We got to hear some different shit, stuff that hasn't been heard for awhiLe, incLuding Another Generation (?irony? you decide...) The Suffering, They aLL Have Abandoned Their Hopes, and U.G.LY. Rocky was fuLL of energy, the KarL MaLone of Fishbone if you wiLL, pLaying every minute Like it's the pLayoffs. The horns are stiLL Learning the charts, and background Lyrics. Brewster is unstoppabLe. His church organ styLings during Junkie's Prayer were making me wanna pray for forgivenutts....

Your LoveLy LoyaL List members Lisa, Mig, and Cathy (who journeyed 5 hours south from the grey area), aLong with yours truLy heLd court right up front, in the Norwood zone. Lisa repeatedLy started the chant: Norwood is Red Hot... HopefuLLy they'LL fiLL in the rest of the detaiLs, and Mig wiLL post his fabuLous photos. It's aLways a pLeasure to kick it with these kids, feLLow fishbone soLdiers and keepers of the fLame. After the show I had the pLeasure of speaking with the fabuLous ms. Nerre and finaLLy picked up Dr. Maddvibe's Comprehensive LinkoLogy, which he signed.

Eye'LL Leave the second guessing for the suckas that got nuttin' beta to dew. As Long as there's a nutt, eye'LL be there to bust it...

SpeciaL Love and wishes of amelioration to hockey girL.

Good Night Austin Tejass, wherever you are...

?2003 Lamar Press...

~w. L?mar Miles

(submitted through the Nuttwork)


Live Recordings

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Fishbone & Coach House

Fishbone played already at Coach House 2 times.
>October 09, 1986 No photo has yet been submitted.No video has yet been linked.No review has yet been submitted.The setlist has not yet been submitted.No recording has yet been submitted.
>February 06, 2004 No photo has yet been submitted.No video has yet been linked.2 reviewsAn ordered setlist was submittedNo recording has yet been submitted.1 'hoodster in attendance
Fishbone is not scheduled to play Coach House anytime soon.


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