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Nov 01 2003 @ The Ballard Firehouse Seattle, WA

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3 reviews3 reviews3 reviews3 reviews
8 photos8 photos8 photos8 photos8 photos8 photos8 photos8 photos8 photos
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1 'hoodster in attendance1 'hoodster

On Stage


Unyielding Conditioning
Everyday Sunshine
Ma & Pa
Bonin' in the Boneyard
Behaviour Control Technician
Last Dayz, Critical Times
I Wish I Had a Date
Karma Tsunami
Give it Up
Let Dem Hoes Fight (Pt 2)
Sunless Saturday


8 photos

© Michael Chang

© Michael Chang

© Michael Chang

© Michael Chang

© Michael Chang
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3 reviews
Review from the Nuttwork's archive 

I drove down to see Fishbone last night in Seattle at the Ballard Firehouse. Fishbone took the stage shortly after 10pm as Angelo walked out in a black and white striped prisoner's uniform, carrying a cardboard tombstone with a Fishbone logo drawn on it. He proceeded into a poem about what a 'bitch' the music industry is. This had me pretty worried that the show might end up being a real down...


Review found on the web 

This show was scheduled to begin at 8 PM so I arrived a few minutes prior to that time. After finding out that there would be a couple of local openers I went back to my car to sleep for a while as I had a very long day at work and was very tired. I got back to the venue shortly after 10 PM just in time to work my way up front before Fishbone was set to come on.

I've never r...


Review from the Nuttwork's archive 

It's official Soldiers. Saw Fishbone last night in Seattle at the Ballard Firehouse. After getting a little elbow from Angelo, he told my partner and I that this is their last show. They've cancelled the tour. Angelo was walking around with a Halloween style tombstone that stated plainly, Fishbone RIP. The show was electric. Walt looked really happy, Norwood just played, Angelo was mani...


Live Recordings

0 live recording
If you have a recording of this show, please share it with the familyhood !

Fishbone & The Ballard Firehouse

Fishbone is not scheduled to play The Ballard Firehouse anytime soon.


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