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May 30 2003 @ Mean Fiddler London, UK

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Rating : 8Rating : 8Rating : 8Rating : 8Rating : 8Rating : 8Rating : 8Rating : 8Rating : 8Rating : 81 vote
2 reviews2 reviews2 reviews
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9 'hoodsters in attendance9 'hoodsters in attendance9 'hoodsters in attendance9 'hoodsters in attendance9 'hoodsters in attendance9 'hoodsters in attendance9 'hoodsters in attendance9 'hoodsters in attendance+9 'hoodsters

On Stage


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2 reviews
Review found on the web 

Tonight your intrepid NOISE! reviewer has those kind of mixed feelings that you get when a band you've admired return after a lengthy absence. Naturally, as a long term 'boner (okay, less of the guffaws), I am looking forward to seeing them again. Memories of twelve years ago when the Los Angeles based band rocked Kentish Town's Forum and your lucky writer got to meet the guys afterwards come floo...


Review from the Nuttwork's archive 

12hrs ago I was in London rocking away to Fishbone!

(First the boring bit!)

Anyway the gig for me started over a hundred miles from London at 1.30pm when I left home - somehow I got lost on the way to Oxford which was particularly clever of me as I've driven there loads of times and it's just one road all the way! God knows how I got on the wrong roa...


Live Recordings

0 live recording
If you have a recording of this show, please share it with the familyhood !

Fishbone & Mean Fiddler

Fishbone is not scheduled to play Mean Fiddler anytime soon.


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