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May 17 2003 @ The Abbey Pub Chicago, IL

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On Stage


1. Party At Ground Zero
2. Skankin' to the Beat
3. Ma & Pa
4. A Selection
5. Cholly
6. When Problems Arise
7. Bonin' in the Boneyard
8. Premadawnutt
9. Karma Tsunami
10. Lyin' Ass Bitch
11. Skank n' Go Nutts
12. Unyielding Conditioning
13. Lemon Meringue
14. Everyday Sunshine
15. Pressure
16. Sunless Saturday
17. Swim
18. Fishbone is Red Hot


2 photos


5 videos
Title:LYIN' ASS BITCH (2003 Chicago) - Fishbone
Author:Moody Hyadd
Description:Weapons of Mass Destruction tour. Last tour to feature Spacey-T. Abby Pub, Chicago IL 2003. SHARE/SUB/FRIEND MR. MOODY HYADD!
Published:Apr 26 2012 12:55:55
Title:SWIM (2003 Chicago)) - Fishbone
Author:Moody Hyadd
Description:Weapons of Mass Destruction tour. Last tour to feature Spacey-T. Abby Pub, Chicago IL 2003. Watch for Angelo's balcony dive! SHARE/SUB/FRIEND MR. MOODY HYADD!
Published:Apr 26 2012 03:23:41
Title:PRESSURE - Fishbone (2003)
Description:Fishbone 5-17-03, Chicago IL,"Weapons of Mass Destruction" tour @ The Abby Pub. This is the last tour featuring Dirty Walt & Spacey-T. SUBSCRIBE/FRIEND ME
Published:Mar 02 2010 05:26:34
Title:SWIM (live 03) Fishbone
Description:Fishbone, live @ The Cubby Bear, 5-17-03, Chicago IL. "Weapons of Mass Destruction" tour. Last tour feat. Spacey-T/ & Dirty Walt. PLEASE SUBSCRIBE/FRIEND ME
Published:Jun 29 2010 05:16:44
Title:LYIN' ASS BITCH (live 03) - Fishbone
Description:Abby Pub, Chicago IL 5-17-03. Filmed by Mr. Moody Hyadd SUB/FRIEND ME!
Published:Nov 19 2011 07:19:59


4 reviews
Review from the Nuttwork's archive 

Yes tha ABBEY wuz hhaahhht Saturday as wuz Fishbone! My luv dropped me off 'bout 9:30 aftah a smooth 5 hour roadtrip. No sooner had I stepped into tha club I ran right up into two wuvwee Fishbone Soldierettes,Tina and Keisha! That in and of itself wuz wurth tha trip! Tha opener wuz forgetable but thier two guitar attack did tha job. Spoke to'em after tha show and they said that half of them...


Review from the Nuttwork's archive 

I was waiting for Jeff to be our spokesperson but as I seem to be at home right now with some unusually free time, I will write a brief review....

Apparently the show was sold out so that explains why it was packed. I am not sure what explains the lack of fans or air conditioning or open doors so that we wouldnt all be quite so hot. Aside from that slight grumble, and yea...


Review from the Nuttwork's archive 

Wow!! I don't know if the Chicago soldiers just got lucky, but the Bone rocked my ass on Saturday night. I don't remember the openers name, but they were forgettable at best. King's X put on a solid show and seemed to be in excellent spirits as it was a semi-homecoming for them.. The lead singer was born just outside of Chicago and they put in a bit of time on the Chicago scene before relocating to Texas. The crowd seemed to be quite into them as well. And what a funny crowd with at least 1/4 of the crowd 30 and up(with quite a few balding greyheads upstairs) After King's X, it looked like the crowd started to thin, but as soon as the Bone took the stage it seemed quite full again. The stage at The Abbey Pub is a little small to my liking for Fishbone to be playing on and they seemed ready to bust the place open just on sheer presence. The crowd stayed hot the entire show with a few flying fish including a dive from the balcony by Angleo. I brought 3 virgins with me and they all left truly impressed. (On a side note, to whoever it was that kept recommending to send Fishbone on a jam band tour-2 of my virgins were jam band fans and they left amazed. I've never seen one of them dance around as much as he did.)These are the songs I can remember off the top of my head(in no particular order), although I know they played more. Party At Ground ZeroLyin' Ass BitchA SelectionChollyMa And PaEveryday Sunshine SwimLemon Meringue Karma Tsunami Skankin To The BeatSkank n Go Nuts Fishbone Is Red Hot-played as the encore with no vocals. I love Fishbone!!!!!!Simon2


Review by Nijumu on Sep 17 2022 

Full video of the show p { margin-bottom: 0.25cm; line-height: 120% }a:link { so-language: zxx }

Live Recordings

1 live recording
Video / Source : audience / Master : DV / Length : 01:41:00 
Recording shared by 3 familyhoodsters
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Fishbone & The Abbey Pub

Fishbone is not scheduled to play The Abbey Pub anytime soon.


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