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Nov 13 2002 @ Patronaat Haarlem, NL

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On Stage


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1 review
Review from the Nuttwork's archive 

Just got back. This has got to be the weirdest Fishbone show I've seen, and it is one of my favorite because of it.

The opening act with our very own Slipdwerg was very nice. After some initial scepticism from the people I took there, we were all convinced that it was a really nice band at the end (although the bass player looked to be from a different band altogether).

Then Fishbone.

First thing is that they played for about 5 minutes behind black curtains. A really nice laid back reggae type tune (I don't know it). When the curtains finally opened they revealed the band minus Walt. Angelo looked tired, with puffy eyes that were almost closed. He had hardly any energy. He didn't stagedive once and did almost no dancing. He seemed old, more then 10 years older then in Utrecht. He almost looked 30something! Either he had taken something that didn't agree with him, or he was coming down with something. I hope he feels better soon.

Anyway, after the opening song and a short housecall from the doctor, Walt joins and they go into Nuttmeg World.

I don't know the setlist, but some of the remarkable songs:

-Happy Birtday: Walter Kibby III had a birthday! -I wish I had a date -ChimChim -Riot -Question of Life

The main thing why the night is special is because of the sound and because of Norwood. The sound was near perfect. The bass was quite loud (like I like it) and it was not muddy at all. Even Walt was understandable most of the time.

Norwood had a lot of fun and the guys were teasing Angelo. During the intro to Party at ground zero Norwood even sang some lines to Angelo that amounted to "shake your ass motherfucker". Angelo just threw him a look and Norwood was all smiles.

Norwood sang more then I remember, he threw in a couple of extra "party"'s and just some lines and his bass playing was very loose as well, he was really playing around with it, which was extra nice since he was so easy to make out in the mix.

The set was short though (only Bonin' for encore), but it didn't matter. I've witnessed a Fishbone show where they weren't on the edge, but where they held back just a little bit, allowing them to loosely hang into the grooves a bit more.

It was extremely satisfying as well.

Can't wait for the shows to come!



Live Recordings

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Fishbone & Patronaat

Fishbone played already at Patronaat 2 times.
>July 10, 2003Rating : 8Rating : 8Rating : 8Rating : 8Rating : 8Rating : 8Rating : 8Rating : 8Rating : 8Rating : 8 No photo has yet been submitted.No video has yet been linked.No review has yet been submitted.An ordered setlist was submitted2 recordings1 'hoodster in attendance
>November 12, 2006Rating : 8Rating : 8Rating : 8Rating : 8Rating : 8Rating : 8Rating : 8Rating : 8Rating : 8Rating : 8 No photo has yet been submitted.No video has yet been linked.No review has yet been submitted.The setlist has not yet been submitted.No recording has yet been submitted.2 'hoodsters in attendance
Fishbone is not scheduled to play Patronaat anytime soon.


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